Biotin, zinc, both, neither?

on 7/27/11 12:50 am - Canada
So I have fine hair that has thinned a bit over the  years.  For some reason recently it has started to thin more.  So I wanted to start something now that I can take before, during and after WLS.  Bought some biotin. Some ppl say zinc.  And I don't know it biotin is dangerous in any way.  Anybody know anything?

The RN I met yesterday looked utterly stunned and baffled when I mentioned hair loss yesterday.  Said she'd never heard about WLS patients losing their hair.  Didn't exactly make me feel comfortable...

on 7/27/11 12:51 am
Was this at HRRH? 
Sue in Courtice
My angel is Ashleighsmom 

on 7/27/11 3:01 am - Canada
Yes it was. Don't think she was their regular nurse, or she is new.
Karen M.
on 7/27/11 12:52 am - Mississauga, Canada
Taking Biotin won't do any harm and I've heard of people taking zinc too.  While the biotin won't prevent hair loss, it *can* promote regrowth after loss.

RN.... at your weight loss centre???



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/27/11 3:03 am - Canada
Ya, went yesterday for my social worker and dietitian appointment and they added a nurse at the last  minute.
Karen M.
on 7/27/11 3:11 am - Mississauga, Canada
Hmm.... quite concerning, as telogen effluvium is exceptionally common for anyone who has undergone surgery.  Something I would think she would know!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/27/11 9:23 am - Canada
They put me in to see her too, but we didn't talk about hair loss.  She is new, and new to WLS field as well, so probably still learning all the ins and outs...maybe she should take the gastric bypass class, because they talked about hair loss in there!

Nice to meet you btw!


Highest weight ~ 360, Surgery weight ~ 280, Current weight ~ 171
Referral to bariatric registry ~ April 29, 2011  SURGERY ~ September 27, 2011
My  is Gailupnorth.

on 7/28/11 11:57 am - Canada
I meant to msg you and apologize for running out of there and not stopping to chat longer, was expecting to go see Tanja in hosp that day.  But it was nice meeting you too.  And she was a nice enough nurse...kinda odd. Being new to WLS explains some things.
on 7/27/11 2:07 am - Canada
At the TWH support group last week the dietician mentioned that "prolonged" (she didn't define this) use of zinc can affect copper absorption.  Haven't had my 6 month blood test results back yet so don't know if it has affected me that way, but my daughter thinks my hair  looks the best now that she's ever seen it.  I've been taking 50 mg / day for the last 3 months (I'm 5 1/2 months post surgery).  Zinc apparently doesn't work well with other vitamins, so I take it alone at 5:30AM when I let the dogs out.  Eating your protein is also apparently very important for hair maintenance.  Given what the nutritionist said, I've now cut back to every other day but I'm at that 5 to 6 month point when hair loss is common, and so far I've missed it even though I'm down 125 lbs.  Obvously, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Joyce J.
on 7/27/11 2:58 am - Scarborough, Canada
Hi there

Hair loss is normal after surgery. As Karen said the Biotin and Zinc won't stop the hair loss, but may help the new hair.

Take care

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


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