Caffein, Pop and Booze ??? question for the vets.

MS Miller
on 8/25/11 10:47 pm - Nepean, Canada
Hi Vets,

I know we are told not to have or cut out many things before, I have been a good girl....ok I had an ice cap the other day, but I was 1 month from sugery.

So my question is why do we have to cut these items out before surgery, I was never told why just to do it, and I am just wondering. I know why after, and I know if one has huge addictions to caffeine it's a good idea, but if you drink one coffee a day and have a diet pop in a reataurant will it hurt your surgery?

Thanks Sue
 Surgery Sept 13th 2011 Dr. Hagen 
on 8/25/11 10:57 pm - Canada
I would presume that the things we are asked to avoid post-op because they irritate our pouch also have an irritant effect to our pre-op stomachs, and not just at the moment they are consumed. It's better to have as clean a slate, so to speak, for the surgeon to work with. Also, even absent addiction, there's enough for your body to deal with without missing caffeine etc. if you try to make your pre-op diet look as much a possible like your post-op diet for life, I think the transition is much easier.

(deactivated member)
on 8/25/11 10:57 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
I believe each centre has its own rules regarding these pre op.  I didn't have to give up any of the above prior to surgery other than booze during Optifast but could still have caffeine and any diet pops I wanted.  After surgery, we were told to avoid carbonation as it hurts like hell to drink it and also told to avoid booze as it's nothing but empty calories and it makes the liver work way too hard when it's already working hard to get rid of the fat we are losing.  I didn't have to give up caffeine after surgery but that was my clinic's rules.

My guess and it's purely a guess is that they don't want you having these items after surgery and figure it's easier if you give them up prior to surgery.
on 8/25/11 10:59 pm, edited 8/25/11 11:22 pm - Canada

I do have caffiene.

Pop hurts my pouch I don't drink it. i know a few people who have had surgery that will occassionally have one once in a while - but very rarely. I order water with lemon at a restaurant and add splenda if I want a bit of sweetness.

I may have a alcohol once i a while but not til about 6 months after surgery and then if i have one drink a month that's rounding up what i consume.

*caught my mistake - initially read one one month from surgery in the wrong direction - moral of the story don't post until you have at least one coffee*

Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.

(deactivated member)
on 8/25/11 11:00 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
Deb she is 1 month pre op.  LOL
Joyce J.
on 8/25/11 11:02 pm - Scarborough, Canada
Hahahaha, looks like you were drinking when you typed that LOL
Sorry, just kidding, couldn't resist

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


on 8/25/11 11:00 pm - Canada
Hi mcsue,

Going by memory from my sessions, I believe that I was told that caffeine and any carbonated drinks can cause ulcers and severe damage to your new pouch.  

As well, I think what I recall hearing about alcohol is that after surgery it goes right to the bloodsteam so you can get intoxicated very very quickly.

I am sure there are others on here tho that are much more knowledgeable than me, having had the surgery so hopefully if I am wrong with any of the answers someone will come back and correct me. (I would like to know these answers for sure as well).
Surgery ---December 23 with Dr. Yelle!
Joyce J.
on 8/25/11 11:05 pm - Scarborough, Canada
Hi there

Pop is not good. I am an occaisional pop drinker. It doesn't bother me at all, but we are not supposed to do it

Caffeine, most people I know who have had RNY drink it all the time. Hmmmm

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


MS Miller
on 8/25/11 11:19 pm - Nepean, Canada

Thanks guys, I have been a good girl, I'm not a pop drinker anyway, coffee I like but I've switched to decaf with no issues I never drank that much, plus I put 3 milks in them. For the booze, basicly red wine for me I have no issues giving it up as I am a social drinker.

Have a good weekend. Sue
 Surgery Sept 13th 2011 Dr. Hagen 
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/11 12:00 am - Guelph, Canada
 there have been a few "stories" I have heard about caffeine .. NOW remember this is what I have HEARD.... NO documented hard evidence proof.... but it makes sense... 

1) caffeine slows weight loss down

2) caffeine causes dehydration 

so if the caffeine causes dehydration I can see why it would slow down weight loss.. 
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