NSV this afternoon

Karen W.
on 8/30/11 10:41 am - Canada
Hi all.  Just wanted to share a little NSV that happened this afternoon.  I went for a massage and, first of all, my massage therapist kept saying how great I look.  Then, about 10 minutes into the massage, I realized that I was completely comfortable on the table.  Usually I have to tuck my hands partway under me to keep my arms from falling off, but today I fit perfectly on the table.  I even felt like I had extra room!  Made my day.

I love sharing these moments.  I had no idea how many little (and big) things would change in such a short time. Love my RNY!
   RNY April 11, 2011       
Monica M.
on 8/30/11 11:26 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
that's awesome, Karen !!! this all feels so good!
on 8/30/11 12:24 pm - Pickering, Canada
 Hi, I know those "tuck the hands in so we fit on the table" feeling so well, so what a great achievement! So encouraging for me at 3 1/2  weeks post op!
on 8/30/11 12:55 pm - Hamilton, Canada
Way to go!  I haven't been for my massage therapy since before my surgery, but I think I'll book an appt just to see how I fit on the table!!


Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.


on 8/30/11 8:39 pm - Port Rowan, Canada
Love it...
Someone once said "Its not a big thing, it's a million little things" and they are sooooo right!


“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
  but anyone can start today and make a new ending.? ~Maria Robinson

HW:  292 lbs          SW:  226 lbs        Clinic's GW:  160 lbs          My GW: 145 lbs
on 8/31/11 2:28 am - Canada
Yet one more little thing in the whole WLS journey that gives us a boost.

you don't think of these NSV until they happen and you go. WOW....

I might dare go for a massage myself, always self conscious about that.

thanks for sharing.

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