this is a test

Robin H.
on 9/7/11 11:58 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
ok i take it back because she is new new msgs have to be approved by moderator 
Linda G.
on 9/7/11 12:01 pm - Canada
Ok, Bain, now you can teach both of us oldtymers how to post a photo and get that thingy at the bottom of our messages.  Right, Mom?
Linda G
on 9/7/11 12:03 pm - Canada
you took the words righy out of mt mouth..just said ..i need a picture
Robin H.
on 9/7/11 12:03 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
 lol go to my oh tab and start with profile 
on 9/7/11 11:05 pm - Hamilton, Canada
Welcome!  You realize now that we're all going to start calling your MOM!


Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.


Linda G.
on 9/7/11 11:09 pm - Canada
Hey Mom,
Good for you - I'm so posted a picture!  It's too technical for tells me my photo is too large.  I'll get my daughter to figure it out tonight.  I have a perfect photo.  Me with a 3 tier cake plate in front of me.  I can kiss that goodbye.  I had my orientation last night and have a date for the nurse and social worker.  So excited!
Linda G
Robin H.
on 9/8/11 12:28 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
LOL she didn't post it I logged into her account and posted it from my home :)  I tried to walk her through it over the phone but she said how about you just do it ...... so otherwise she would still be a shadow head too

on 9/8/11 2:08 am - Canada
 Oh geez!!! I'm almost tempted to ask you to post my pic to my profile!!! LOL I hear you're MOM approved!  I have my pic on MY OH, but can't get it for avatar....says its too big.  Soooooooo I went to a site that makes pics smaller but then it says I can't use jpeg file for pic. Sigh....I feel like a dinosaur
Robin H.
on 9/8/11 5:38 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Hey I like your smiley flower!  it is very cute and sunny :)

Linda G.
on 9/8/11 5:47 am - Canada
Hi Bain, Mom and Robin
Also, how do you get that tracker thing at the bottom of all your posts? I'm a dinosaur also.....Bain, are you ready to take us all on?
Linda G
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