SF Popsicles - a picture, please?

on 9/17/11 11:16 pm, edited 9/18/11 3:54 am
Giant Tiger, Bells Corners: I bought some there a week ago.

And noooo, there is nothing wrong with you.  They are very difficult to find ever since the plant had a fire about a year ago...
liza ..
on 9/17/11 11:21 pm - Canada
I usually pick up Healthy Choice Fudge Bars from Costco - they're not sugar free, but they only have 4g of sugar per serving...


on 9/18/11 12:27 am - Ottawa, Canada
 I aso saw them a Giant Tiger this past week.


Citrate or Bust (a few bones) !
catnip.gif picture by catnipcook

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