What are you eating/doing today? (Saturday)

Karen W.
on 9/30/11 11:35 pm - Canada
Good morning, everyone.

I have a busy day ahead of me.  I'm grading student papers for the first time (eek, I'm a bit nervous), working on a paper of my own, taking my son to a birthday party, then off to a big 50th Bday bash for a friend. It's a pot luck, at my church; my previous minister once told me that anything eaten in church has no calories and, of course, although it was a joke it has stayed with me for 10 years and I want to justifying eating everything in sight when I'm at a function in a church!  Protein first, then veggies....

B - egg, 3 thin slices bacon, 1/2 slice ww toast
S - decaf tea w/ milk
L - turkey, salad w/ LF dressing (the PC lemon poppyseed is really good!)
S - maybe a decaf cafe au lait, or a protein shake
D - like I said, pot luck.... protein first, veggies
S - nothing, due to the pot luck

Have a great day!
   RNY April 11, 2011       
on 10/1/11 12:01 am

Was supposed to be golfing this morning but the cold/wind and rain scared off my competitors....nuts....I was looking forward to some stress relief
So....after a nice bagel and coffee with my husband at our fav cafe....going to make some of eggface's pizza bites...and then visit with my parents

B - bagel and creme cheese

s - coffee

l - pizza bite

s - ham and cheese

d - not sure....maybe more eggbites

s - not sure....maybe an apple

All water and vits...

Have a great one







Linda C.
on 10/1/11 1:44 am
Going to the in-laws today for 3 birthdays.

B - one egg omelette, with salsa on top
S - strawberry kiwi protein drink
L - chili with melba toast
S - crunch o's
D - out...probably fish or chicken, and salad
S - protein pudding

water, vitamins, calcium

Linda C.
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/11 2:13 am
What am I doing today? Flying home from a two week vacation in the Caribbean and Florida!

B- Protein shake with yogurt- promptly threw it up
S- peanut butter, 1/2 slice bread
L- something in restaurant
S- protein bar
D- something in restaurant on the drive home in Ontario

Jennifer D.
on 10/1/11 2:13 am
I'm 5 weeks post-op DS. Haven't been feeling well this last week - I have a bad cold and have a new 2nd hernia - umbilical so not much exercise going on.

B - Protein Shake (30g)
S - Peppered Peanuts (9g)
L - Turkey & Cheese wraps with mayo (11g)
S- Whipped Cream with Cinnamon (helps me with ice cream cravings - 0g of fat and 1g of sugar)
D- 6 Chicken Wings (60g)
S- Protein Shake (30g)

DSers malabsorb 80% of fat so fat is not an issue. We also malabsorb nutrients.
Vitamins per day = 2 Iron, 2 multivitamins, 4 calcium, A, B12, C D3, E, K. The amounts are measured in 10,000's of IUs.
Fluids, I drink one Gatorade G2 daily then refill - try for 3 times = 2 litres to avoid dehydration.
I am working with BANA on my problems with food addiction and binging. My goal this week is no eating out along with keeping last weeks goal of not eating my son's snacks.
on 10/1/11 2:44 am - Toronto, Canada
Hello, hope you are all have a beautiful Saturday!  will be heading out to CN Tower - daugher has birthday party to attend... haven't been there in years!

B - 1/3 special k, 4tbs 1% milk, 1tbs protein powder
S - tall skinny vanilla latte
L - 3oz bourbon chicken with 2" piece of cucumber
S - protein shake or bar
D - not too sure at this point

Water and vitamin & calcium taken (up until lunch)

Have a great day everyone!
July 13th, 2010 - Orientation at TWH.....  July 29th, 2010 - Bariatric Nurse Appt.....   August 10th, 2010 - Social Worker.....  September 8th, 2010 - Nutrition Class & Dietitian Appts.....  September 13th, 2010 - Psychologist.....  September 23rd, 2010 - Dietitian and Social Worker meeting with Hubby.....  October 12th, 2010 - Follow up with Social Worker.....  November 5th, 2010 - Met Surgeon - Teodor Grantcharov....  January 7th, 2011 - PATS.....   January 20th, 2011 - SURGERY!! 
Got me an Angel - Leanne1
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/11 3:01 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
We got up early to head to the farmer's market hoping to get a bushel of apples and nobody from Southern Ontario showed up to the farmer's market this week so no apples dammit.  Went and did the rest of our shopping instead of having breakie and what a huge mistake, was starving by 1130 and we went to Wendy's and I didn't order my usual healthier versions of things.   Calories overall won't be that off as I had zero breakfast but still.

B - nothing but lots of coffee

L -  #1 combo at Wendy's, picked off most of the bun and ate half the fries

D - coq au Riesling

May enjoy a glass of wine as we play Wii tonight.
on 10/1/11 4:13 am - Ontario, Canada
Good afternoon! 

A little late today but here none the less.  Funny how "panic" starts to set in when I know I haven't been here to log my food lol.  It's a good thing really...:)

Got some blood work back yesterday and apparently my cholesterol is on the rise.  Not sure what to make of it.  I do know a lot of it is familial but I have been off my 2 cholesterol meds for a year now and determined to keep it that way.  So will make some changes....consistent changes...in my diet.  I will think twice before "falling off the wagon" moreso now.  If I do have to reintroduce a med, so be it, but I will do what I can on my end and go from there.

B - 1/2 C chicken chili

S -  coffee (which i will be cutting back as this has been a new introduction for me in the last 6 months and may be a contributor to the raise in cholesterol....apparently french press coffee can do this).  I will cut back.

L - turkey sausage cut up with some chili over it....like a chili dog minus the dog and bun lol

Su - at my MIL.....chicken, veggies and 1/2 roasted potato....and pumpkin pie -small piece

Water and vits will be in!  Have a great day and rest of the weekend. :))

Starting BMI: 48.8 (NOW 27.8) Comorbidities: Hypertension (GONE), High Cholesterol (NORMAL NOW), GERD (GONE), Sleep Apnea (RESOLVED)

MINI GOAL: 180lbs (Reached, yay), next MINI GOAL, 175 lbs (Reached, Yay), GOAL 170 lbs
(Reached, Yay), GOAL 160 lbs (REACHED...YAY!!!)
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/11 4:22 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
Marianne, you may want to talk to your doctor about the cholesterol going up after WLS.  I never had a cholesterol problem until 18 months after surgery and I had lost all my weight.  My doctor explained it to me but in very layman's terms it was basically, your body just lost 166 lbs of fat and it has to process it to get rid of it.  He said it was very common for the cholesterol to spike after a huge weight loss.  He retested me months after my weight stabilized and it was back down to normal.  Worth discussing in case he/she makes the same connection that mine did.
on 10/1/11 11:27 am - Ontario, Canada
Thanks Tracy I will.  I actually dont have a family doctor anymore.  This was through the Bariatric Assessment Clinic.  I see the Nurse Practioner next week.  I will mention this.  I am happy that they are on it due to my family history and the good news is my `good cholesterol number is good and my total cholesterol is still lower than what it was when I was on 2 meds but it had increased......so I am hopeful that it is just as you say.......

I also know i have room for improvement in my diet, as I get lax some days...so this is also a good learning experience, eye opener.

Thanks for the advice Tracy!!
Starting BMI: 48.8 (NOW 27.8) Comorbidities: Hypertension (GONE), High Cholesterol (NORMAL NOW), GERD (GONE), Sleep Apnea (RESOLVED)

MINI GOAL: 180lbs (Reached, yay), next MINI GOAL, 175 lbs (Reached, Yay), GOAL 170 lbs
(Reached, Yay), GOAL 160 lbs (REACHED...YAY!!!)
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