What are you eating/doing today? (Saturday)

Karen W.
on 2/3/12 9:50 pm, edited 2/4/12 2:32 am - Canada
Good morning, everyone.

I don't think I've been eating enough lately.  I seem to be getting so caught up in my school work that I'm skipping snacks and am ending up having to supplement my protein with a shake at night.  I usually eat 1100-1200 calories/day but have only been getting in 800-1000 for the last couple of day. So today I'm going to try to stick with the plan....

B - Greek yogurt, berries
S - large milky decaf tea x 2; later, oz LF old cheddar, a few grapes
L - turkey, salad, LF dressing
S - decaf coffee w/ light cream; later, turkey pepperette x 2
D - English sausage (not the whole thing, they're big), green beans
S - maybe a small Liberte Greek yogurt, or a decaf skim cafe au lait

Enjoy your day!
   RNY April 11, 2011       
(deactivated member)
on 2/3/12 10:17 pm - Canada
Day 4 of 5DPT for me so the menu looks more appetizing:

B: Protein Shake
L: Ground Chicken with Salsa
D: Shrimp
S: Protein Shakes and/or Ricotta
on 2/3/12 10:19 pm, edited 2/4/12 3:42 am - Newmarket, Canada
Good morning :D

Fiiinally a weekend OFF! Yay! I was supposed to work this weekend but my bfs folks came up for a visit, so I switched out my shifts, I'm glad that I did, I needed a couple days off.

The men are out snowmobiling and my m-i-l and I are going shopping.

B- 1 scrambled egg, 1/2 slice of bacon, 1/4c taters
S- fibre bar
S- banana
L- ham and cheese wrap
D- since we have company over, I am making my pizza, and wings (I might have 1), we have chips and keilbasa, cheese and crackers.
S- protein shake

all water and vitamins in

Have a great day everyone :D
on 2/3/12 10:39 pm - Canada
I am not sure yet, had a scrambled egg and piece of ham for breakfast and now need to plan rest of day...but I do know that I am happy because today is the day I get to move to that final diet for life stage!
Surgery ---December 23 with Dr. Yelle!
(deactivated member)
on 2/3/12 10:55 pm - Toronto, Canada
Breakfast: 3 Tbsps cottage cheese, 2 Tbsps applesauce

Snack: protein shake

Lunch: 3 Tbsps white kidney beans blended with a little miso soup, 2 Tbsps pureed broccoli

Snack: protein shake

Dinner: 1 Tbsp tuna salad, 2 Tbsps greek yogurt, 2 tbsps mashed sweet potato

I'm not sure if I will actually get it all in, but I will try.  I'm 18 days out, so I'm still trying out new pureed foods each day.  So far, so good.  No major discomfort, nasuea or vomitting when I eat.
Megan M.
on 2/3/12 11:23 pm - Canada
Day 4 of 5-day pouch test for me.  

B:  protein shake
S:  greek yogurt w/SF pistacio pudding
L:  canned red salmon, probably with a little bit of LF mayo
S:  protein shake
D:  not sure, but it'll be some meat/veg combo most likely (not sure if the veg are allowed on the 5-day menu, but I'll have a little big anyway - need the greens)

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

on 2/4/12 2:31 am
RNY on 01/11/12
 hi megan
im in stage 2 of st joe's diet and can have yogurt.. so i bought some plain greek yogurt and added s/f butterscotch pudding.. OMG... dreadful!! so.. what did i do wrong?? perhaps added too much cuz it no longer looked or tasted like any kind of yogurt i wanted to eat   can you help me please!!!
on 2/4/12 5:07 am - Canada
I have the plain greek yogurt with sf butterscotch pudding, but what I do instead of mixing it is have them separate and take a small scoop of yogurt and at the same time a small scoop of pudding.  I find that you get the sweetness of the pudding and the tanginess of the yogurt.  I find when you mix it the yogurt flavour is too strong.  I actually kind of like it...
on 2/4/12 5:34 am - Pickering, Canada
not sure if you like sf pudding, but I can't tolerate them, is that the problem?
Megan M.
on 2/4/12 6:06 am - Canada
Perhaps you added too much pudding.  I had 1/2 c. green yogurt and put in less than a tblspoon.  It does get quite thick, so you may need to thin it out with some milk.  That's all I do.  And perhaps the butterscotch is just a yukky flavour.  It's great with the cheesecake pudding - close your eyes and you'd swear you were eating cheesecake.  I guess you'll just have to experiment until you find a consistency that appeals to your palate.

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

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