
on 2/24/12 2:18 am - Canada
The more that have it the better. Three of us at my work have had this surgery and no one has anything bad to say about it because we are all successful at it.

But you are not lying when you say you are watching what you eat. It's your business, you do what feels right foryou.

Although, there are those out there that have had itdone and don't say anything until they find out someone else had it and then they like to talk about it, or those that look to us for advice if they are contemplating having it done as well.

Because i told everyone, i had 3 people come to me about this procedure and they are all in the program at various stages now. So i'm happy that i could help someone else.

but again, the decision is yours, you do what's right for you.

on 2/24/12 4:06 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
I didn't tell people at work.  When they started asking how I was losing so much weight, I told them I was reducing my portions sizes, cutting down on carbs and exercising (which was all true) I just didn't mention the surgery that helped me to do all of that stuff.  One person at work kept asking and asking and asking...she just thought there had to be SOMETHING more than that, but I just kept sticking to my story.  At one point she even asked if I had cancer!  Eventually after a few months I had one coworker ask me if I had surgery.  I was caught a little off guard and didn't immediately know what I wanted to say, but I 'fessed up and admitted that I did have surgery but that I didn't want to be telling others because I didn't want to be judged by others.  She understood, but actually the only reason she asked was because her daughter was considering the surgery and my coworker was very scared of the idea.  So I actually talked to her and answered come questions and eased her mind a bit.  So that was good. 

For all I know the story spread and others in the office now know the truth, but perhaps they don't.  People eventually stopped asking and went on with their lives and I with mine.  I didn't feel they had to know anything.  It was my private decision and I wasn't comfortable talking about it with them.

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on 2/24/12 5:45 am - Canada
my biggest thing is when i told one of my best friends she told me i didnt need it and if i just exersised more and are better then i wouldnt need it. the person i thought i could really talk to said that she felt bad afterwards but i dont want to tell anyone because i dont want to justify why im doing it. and when i had finally got up the courage and told my other friend and she pretended not to hear it and continued to talk...  Others that i desided to tell have been supportive. My dad is a little scared but he has never come out to say that he dosent want me to do it, he is trying to be supportive.

on 2/24/12 6:12 am - Sudbury, Canada
It really is up to you who you tell. I was in the same boat as you. I was very nervous about telling anyone at work and it caused me a lot of stress. I work in a large government building and will be working there for likely a long time. I also did not want to be the subject of gossip- I am a private person and as I posted earlier today I have always been uncomfortable being the centre of attention due to my weight.

I told a few people at work and then decided to tell everyone who asked why I was going to be off work or why I was drinking my food (optimist). I personally felt great- it was like a weight lifted from my shoulders. Everyone I have told has said Good for you! And has been supportive. However, it has spread and most people now know. A past co-worker of mine had surgery and told people she did it with weigh****chers. I did not want to do anything like that and give false hope to my colleagues and cause them to feel like failures if/when they do not do as well as I do by diet and exercise.

Again it is a personal decision and I decided to really own my decision and stand up for my choice that I made for my health. I am still off work due to the surgery so there may be negative reaction that I have not experienced yet.

Good luck with your decision.
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