Sudbury Support Group??

Lee M.
on 6/20/12 5:48 am - sudbury, Canada
Is there a support group in Sudbury!
on 6/20/12 6:17 am - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 03/07/12
 Yes, they usually meet on the second Thursday of each month. Let me know if you need the details
Hanneli xoxo
on 6/20/12 6:22 am, edited 6/20/12 6:35 am - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12
Hey Smudges.. who are you! lol..

The meetings are on hiatus for the summer, though. Back in session in September!

ETA: They are held as Smudges said, the second Thursday of each month at St. Denis School on Ramsayview Court in the library from 6-8:30pm.

The more people the merrier! Last time I posted on this forum to remind anyone and let new people know when and where (I am not the one in charge of it, I just know a lot of them do not post here on a regular basis)

Hope to see you September 13th!

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/12 12:38 pm - Canada
I have an online support group on Facebook for Northern Ontario...if you are interested let me know :)
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