grumpy and want to *****(wait times)

on 7/4/12 12:18 pm, edited 7/4/12 12:21 pm
I have been looking at the discrepancy in wait times across the board and I just wanted to ***** complain, stamp my feet.  Grrrrrr....(PMS??)

I was referred a year ago.  It wasn't until Jan that I heard from TWH. It was 8 months from referral to orientation.  From when I had orientation to my last app't before the surgeon went relatively quickly (March 13 to May 22)  but that was because I kept phoning to get cancellations.  Then it came to a total slow down for the summer. Surgeon app't is Sept 7. That is over three months.  And I doubt I will have surgery before the end of Oct.  And this is with no complications/roadblocks.  Green light from everyone.
Seems like HRRH can send people through from start to finish in 4 months. Not certain why the difference. The whole idea behind the central registry was to even out the times and make it more assessable.

Some days I am thrilled to be on this journey; so grateful that OHIP is supporting this, and other days I get irritated beyond belief over the unfairness of the way people are streamed through. My heart goes out to the people who have been waiting in Guelph and Ottawa.

Why is there such a difference.  What is HRRH doing that they can whip people through?  And what happened last fall that there was a group of us (ViVi and a few others) seem to drop through the cracks.  People referred months after us and also went through TWH have already had their surgeries - in some case several months back.

Very frustrating
on 7/4/12 12:37 pm - Lake Huron
RNY on 07/13/12
I agree,, its pretty crazy the differences.    
Referral: Oct 2011   Surgery Date: HRRH July 13th (Friday) 2012        
on 7/4/12 1:03 pm
RNY on 06/05/12
i have no idea on the differences.  i was orginally sent to Ottawa last july, then they transferred my file to Humber because of the back log.  i know those in my group that did not get a transfer are stil waiting for surgery.

I'm wondering if it has to do with the number of surgeons, and the or time that they get? Last i heard Ottawa had 3 surgeons.  humber has at least 5, that i can think of off the top of my head, but maybe even a couple more than that.

this is the only answer i can come up with, but look forward to reading what other peolpe know/think

Hang in there,
on 7/4/12 1:20 pm
I've been waiting for 14 months. I was referred to Guelph, my referral got lost and when it was "found" again I ended up going to HRRH. I asked for a transfer to Hamilton and it finally went through. I haven't received my appointments yet, but they are on the way in the mail. Things seem to finally be moving forward. I sympathize 100% with your frustration!!

Approved for DS in Ontario! Waiting for a date!

on 7/4/12 2:06 pm
And I sympathize 100% with you!
(deactivated member)
on 7/4/12 3:00 pm - Straford, Canada
 Not meaning to minimize your frustration but I was on a waiting list in the maritimes for eight years with no clear hope of ever having it done.  In two years in Ontario, here I am post op!  Folks in Ontario are, for the most part lucky regarding wait times and process!  Just sayin!  Ian  
on 7/4/12 3:31 pm
I agree we are very lucky that OHIP/MOH has made WLS a priority.  And I fully empathize with anyone like yourself that has had to put up with ridiculous waiting times.

What frustrates me is the inequality of the waiting times in Ontario.  The registry was developed to get rid of issues like this.  But it seems like it is getting worse. Yes, it is getting more congested as the word gets out but why does HRRH have the ability to service people in a reasonable time but TWH in the same network does not?

Why is Ottawa so drawn out?  And Guelph seems to put roadblocks seeming just to draw out the process.  MOH and the bariatric network need to re examine the process and make it more fair across the province
on 7/4/12 11:23 pm
 Not everybody who goes through HRRH gets through quickly.. it took me almost two years from the date of my referral until I actually had surgery. 
on 7/4/12 8:52 pm

I hear your frustration....but you are on the home stretch now so hang in there






on 7/4/12 9:06 pm - Oshawa Ontario, Canada
macro..... I was referred last august 2011 and my surgeon appt. is sept 21st at TWH with Dr. Okrainec.  Someday's I think this will never happen and other days are better.  We will get there!


Referral August 18th 2011               Orientation Dec 7th 2011
SW Jan 12 2012                                  Nurse Jan 12 2012
Nut. Class Feb 8th 2012                  Psych  May 16th 2012
Dietician May 16th 2012                   Meet The Surgeon Sept 21 2012
PATTS: November 19th 2012           Surgery: November 29th 2012

My Angel is: Brenda T. 


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