Gas pains 3 days post op

on 7/18/12 4:50 pm - Tweed , Canada
Second day I released some gas but now nothing and I walk and sip any other suggestions as well when should I have my first bm 

on 7/18/12 7:42 pm
Are you still on the narcotic pain relievers?  They can make you constipated.  You are not eating anything....just drinking.

Personally, I had my first BM the afternoon I came home from the hospital.  Also I had no problem with releasing gas.  Once I started, I didn`t stop until it was all gone over several days.

I heard that folks used a heating pad on their abdomen to help with the gas pains.  While in hospital they took the warm blankets from the heater that they had on the floor and it helped.

Good luck!

on 7/18/12 8:19 pm
RNY on 06/05/12
i did'nt have my first BM until more than a week after surgery.  i think that it was day 8 0r 9. i needed to take something tio help get things moving. Just keep moving, the more you move the more that gas will move.
(deactivated member)
on 7/18/12 9:37 pm - Straford, Canada
 Same as Barbie, waited for what seemed like an eternity for first BM!  Wasn't fun and made taking in stuff very uncomfortable.  I was taking the stool softner but it didn't help.  From this board folks recommended milk of magnesia and that did the trick within hours.  Only had to take it twice since rny.   Hope you heal well!  Regards, Ian  
on 7/18/12 10:02 pm - aurora, Canada
Walk , walk ,walk, try not to take any pain med. if you can, then,
milk of mag. don;t know what I would have done without it first few months. I find holding my nose as I drink it makes it more tolerable.  Might have to take it a few times a day.  I know the first month I would cry, I was so upset things were not moving .  When I finally went with taking the milk of mag. eventhough I hated the taste I was so much happier.  
Now even 5 months later, I must take benifiber 4 tbsp. with 24 oz of water in the am  in order to get things moving.  Most but not all need some help, doesn;t seem to matter how you were before the surgery
on 7/18/12 11:13 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 06/25/12
I had a tiny BM the second day after surgery but could barely pass gass for a few days. I had terrible gas pains for a few days. Keep walking!! It was the only thing that helped. Walk, walk, walk.


Keeping off 133 lbs since 2012!

Referral to Bariatric Registry: May 2011   /   Surgery (HRRH): June 25, 2012         

Elisabeth G.
on 7/19/12 12:05 am - Windsor, Canada
 I am 6 days post op and had my first bm yesterday the gas pain does get better I had been using a heating pad and just kept walking also did take some gas ex strips



Joyce J.
on 7/19/12 1:21 am - Scarborough, Canada
Hi there

Not sure if anyone suggested this but try drinking ho****er, sometimes that will help.
BM's aren't usually "normal" until after you have some food in your system
Hope you are feeling better soon

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


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