First days home

Shar eD
on 8/14/12 6:09 pm
I live with my husband and 2 sons, but would have been ok alone.  I shopped beforehand to make sure I had everything on hand (you're on liquids, jello, etc. the 1st week anyways), had my vitamin supplements, etc. organized.  I took codeine a few days when needed (didn't need much) and just needed a lot of rest. 

If you don't have anyone with you (besides the cat) maybe you can have famly or friends check in on you by phone and in person? 

Really, it is a time to rest and start developing a life system for getting in your nutrients and vitamins.

Good luck, S
on 8/15/12 7:23 am - Toronto, Canada
Thanks Shar, I'm sure I will be fine. It is just the unknown and wanting to be as prepared as possible. Right now (taking a break!) I am cleaning out my fridge. Yuck! to make room for all the good stuff! Cleaning and doing laundry so I can just rest!
6 sleeps left!
Referral April 2012, Surgery August 21, 2012
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