Chin up, morale down

on 8/29/12 9:20 am, edited 8/29/12 3:12 pm - Ottawa, ON, Canada
I met with the doctor at the Ottawa WMC yesterday, for what I thought was to receive the results of the four cardiac tests I've had since May.

I have one partial artery blockage and some calcification of the heart, but does not need to be operated on. It is within acceptable limits for weight loss surgery. (whew!) I now have another appointment on October 2 at the Riverside Hospital with Dr. Chan's group to discuss the results of all the heart tests with the internist there.

I also have another appointment with the doctor at the WMC on September 10 . My blood glucose is too high right now for weight loss surgery, so that has to be changed over the next several weeks/months. My A1C from last week is 8.4, it must be 7.5 or below for the surgery to occur. 
I am steadily increasing my Lantus (nighttime insulin), with concommitent weight gain.   

The doctor  reminded me that three people out of seven hundred have died at the Civic since they started WLS there. She does not want me to be another one (please forgive my bitterness when I say, that I, right now, curse their statistics). There's a medical coldness ... I regret letting her see my tears.

Two other things concern me -- I called the Merivale Medical Imaging clinic to follow up on the missing results of my abdominal ultrasound (not in my file when I met with Dr. Wicklum). MMI refaxed them while I was on the phone; yesterday, no record in my file. Losing important pieces of paper at the WMC is not encouraging to me.

Second? I was not told that I needed to return to the Riverside for the interpretation of the test results. A case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing? It's (bitterness, alert) making me question the reliability of the whole process.

I am disappointed with this delay but I am not giving up; weeks/months of delay in exchange for a life enhancing surgery?

I've got to stick it through.

Colour me discouraged and unhappy.

Has anyone mentioned the emotional component to obesity? Yeah, right. I thought so.


Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

on 8/29/12 9:27 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12
You have a lot of reasons to be angry. I had some delays at TWH as well. Someone on the forum suggested to get the results yourself and take they in on your next visit.
i hope you can get your helth under control to have the surgery sooner than later.
Good luck.





on 8/29/12 9:30 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada
Thanks, Patm -- the time constraints are seriously worrying me, too.   As the cut off age is 65, and i'm 63, it's pretty easy to do the math that would eliminate me (and not endanger their statistics).

Sorry :(   Just so sad/mad ... blaming myself ...

on 8/29/12 9:32 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12
It doesn't help to blame yourself. Just look at what you can do now to get things going forward and focus on that.





on 8/29/12 10:03 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada
Intellectually, I know that.  Today, I'm just not grown up enough to really believe. 


Thanks, Patm :)


Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

Peggy F.
on 8/29/12 10:06 am - Whitby, Canada
Awww.....I hope things work out for you.  It's a shame that it's not going smoothly.  Good positive vibes coming your way!
on 8/29/12 10:17 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada
Thanks, Peggy -- time for me to get to it, eh.?

on 8/29/12 10:13 am - Canada
Here is how I am looking at everything and perhaps it will help you along the way. I have a spread sheet of what I have to do, I add each and every step to it and I am going down the list one at a time.

I make all phone calls first thing in the morning on Monday morning. And if necessary I call the other parties involved. (for instance if you are waiting for some test results to get to the center, call monday morning ask "Have you got this information yet?" If they say NO... call the person who was supposed to get those results. If you are getting the run around go to the first office and pick it up from them directly and personally hand it over).

They want you to be successful. They do not want you to loose your life, I don't think from a stats standpoint....they don't want to loose patients at all.

This is a 'process' I have learned that along the way, for some its pretty smooth sailing, for others its a lot of work....but if you are organized and expect some hick-ups along the way you will get through it and you will be a success!

Hugs and love!

on 8/29/12 10:18 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada
You are so right, Juls -- thanks for taking the time to respond.  It's appreciated.

on 8/29/12 10:23 am - Canada
You will get there my foot in front of the other!  I am finding the more pressure I put on people the faster stuff gets done....:) 

I can't wait to see you say "I GOT MY SURGERY DATE".

Family Dr. 06/05/2012    Referral Received 06/28/2012 Orientation 08/01/2012   NP 08/27/2012
SW 08/28/2012              Nut Class 08/27/2012
NUT 10/01/2012              PS 10/01/2012
Surgeon Dr. Cyriac 12/07/2012  **SURGERY  JAN 30, 2013**



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