So i got the call today with my surgery date

Niki L.
on 9/24/12 4:21 am - Canada
RNY on 10/15/12
on 9/24/12 7:02 am - Brampton, Canada
On September 24, 2012 at 11:21 AM Pacific Time, Camafrogs wrote:

and especially about going to Humber.. They be da bestest.

take jammies, toothbrush toothpaste.. and socks if you want lol
They give you little medicines cups to drink out of.. and it really is all you can handle initially

They wont let you shower til you go home *shrugs shoulders*

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 9/24/12 5:26 am - Canada
Wow congrats!!  If we can all be fast like you!!  Where are located?  If Sudbury could be as
on 9/24/12 5:43 am - Canada
RNY on 09/13/13
Congratulations on such a quick date! As someone else previously said, too bad other centres aren't as quick..  Best of Luck and sending positive vibes and thoughts for a speedy recovery. Enjoy the journey

on 9/24/12 6:32 am
Congratulations!!!! Lots of wonderful memories to be made!
Maybe add a journal to your list, and write down the reasons why you are doing this, the reasons why you want to lose weight. In a year or two you may have difficulty remembering being overweight.


(deactivated member)
on 9/24/12 7:49 am
 Bravo for you!  They sure didn't give you much advance notice!  Best wishes on your journey!

I am very pre pre pre op!  Only having my orientation in October!  My operation date can't come soon enough for me!

Kitchener, ON

on 9/24/12 7:56 am
Congratulations on your surgery date!!! Your 10 days ahead of me, mine is on October 25th, so maybe you can pave the way for me!   LOL

Wishing you all the best on your opti-fast and keep in touch!
(deactivated member)
on 9/24/12 8:22 am

I think I got some else's message! I wish I was getting surgery in October!  Must be someone else?

Good luck with your journey!

Kitchener, ON
Niki L.
on 9/24/12 8:24 am - Canada
RNY on 10/15/12
(I wish every where/everyone could be as fast) I am a nervesreck with all i have to get done and lots of appts to get done before the 15th
on 9/24/12 10:22 am - Midland, Canada
 Congratulations on your date and the time between will fly by. Aas the posts above suggest get all your ducks in a row before you have your surgery.  I read here that some suggested to use the hospital gowns while in hospital and they were absolutely correct.  Your tummy will be tender and bloated after surgery and the gowns are perfect plus the nurses are checking your vitals and getting you up, etc so the gowns are practical. It was also mentioned that if there is any seepage from the sutures it is better on the gown than on your jammies.  I wore the second one for a housecoat and was cool and comfy as I was worried about the hospital room being too warm and I was right.  Best wishes in your upcoming days 








