Broke down and told my brother...

on 10/8/12 1:30 pm - Canada
VSG on 10/23/12
Hi all...

I had originally planned on not telling anyone I was getting wls.  Its not that I'm ashamed or embarassed...I just dont want to debate it with anyone.  I wasn't even going to tell my husband but I quickly realized that was a lil hard to avoid lol. brother is a pharmacist and he's always been my goto person in times of medical issues and since I'm far from my surgeon (6 hours)..and (I don't know how the medical world works in Ontario but here in Northern Quebec it ain't easy getting in to see a doctor at best of times.  All a person can do is go to emerge and hope the doc on call is ok) decided to tell him. All is well...he didn't say I was crazy...Frankly its starting to be insulting how every doctors (5 out of 5) and now a pharmacist all look at me and say "yes...I see.. yes...seems like its an option...yes for sure" lol...I think I look worst than I thought!!! Yikes!

Anyway...I feel quite relieved that I have now told a second person (in my life) about this.  Next I'm pretty sure they won't like it much but I guess I might be surprised again.

This whole process is really making me face things.  I mean, I knew I had weight issues but somehow kinda thought I was hiding it well!! LOL I crack myself up!!

Queen of denial...Anyway...its all very therapeutic!!  I feel like I'm standing in front of an AA meeting and admitting i'm an alchoolic...I never discussed my weight with anyone other than my doctor once a year at check up time.  I guess it was the white elephant ( literally) that nobody talked about!!

Optifast day 1 tomorrow peeps...get ready for the whinning!! 

(deactivated member)
on 10/8/12 1:55 pm - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12
Once I started telling a couple of people it was like the flood gates opened and now I am telling everyone.
(deactivated member)
on 10/8/12 7:06 pm - Straford, Canada
 Yeah I was worried people wold be judgemental and then the debates would start.  My teenage daughter said "hell yes they'll judge you Dad, but they're judging you now.  What difference will telling them make?"  She's a wise young soul!  

Enjoy your surprises!  
on 10/8/12 9:17 pm - Canada
VSG on 10/23/12
 You're right far and I must admit I find that has been much better to open up about things...not my usual motis operandi but hey...look at me now... bearing my soul on the internet hehehe...WTH is happening to me? 

(deactivated member)
on 10/8/12 9:25 pm - Straford, Canada
 Oh Nathalie, in no time you'll be shaking and grooving all over your neighbourhood!  Why you might even join a running club!? If you had said  year ago I'd be running I would have laughed SO hard at you, but look at me, huffing and puffing towards a 5km run!  Have a grand day!  
on 10/8/12 11:27 pm - London, Canada
OMG, Ian that has to be one of the most enlightening points I've heard in a while!!!! Well I guess technically your daughter said it. I've stressed about telling certain people because I already know their opinion on WLS, and now after reading that, I realize that it doesn't matter, because they're already judging me for being obese.

Referal: November 2011 to Windsor Assessment Center, Orientation: February 9th, 2012, Request Transfer to Hamilton: March 23, 2012, Transfer madness for April, May, June, Abdominal Ultrasound: August 1, 2012, Dietician & SW: October 3, 2012,
Scope: November 8, 2012, Internist: November 14, 2012, Surgeon: November 27th, 2012

Surgery: April 10, 2013. VSG and gallbladder removed.  

(deactivated member)
on 10/9/12 5:47 am - Straford, Canada
 yes grreneyez she's much wiser than her old man!  
on 10/8/12 9:06 pm - Canada
Good luck on your first day of Opti,

and I think you should take the "h" out of whinning .. and call it WINNING !!!!

That, we are ready for :) 

Referral:  August 2011  Information session:  November 2011
Nut/Psych/SW: Spring 2012  Surgeon Meet:  July 6, 2012  Surgery: August 30, 2012
on 10/8/12 9:14 pm - Canada
VSG on 10/23/12
 Ohhh...don't worry ...I plan on doing both 
Niki L.
on 10/8/12 9:53 pm - Canada
RNY on 10/15/12
So happy he was ok with you doing this that is just great
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