Constipation....I know TMI...sorry.

on 12/28/12 9:50 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 12/10/12
To get right to the point Christmas Day was rough. I've been better since because I had taken some MOM but I don't really want to do that everyday. I'm sure a lot of it had to do with the change from full fluids to puréed food but it wa not fun. I called surgeon's office today to see if I could take senekot-s or colace pills yet. Unfortuantly my surgeon is taking a much needed break and isn't back for awhile. Their suggestion was Metamucil but that's not a stool softener and that's what I'm looking for. Liquid colace is down right nasty.

I called the HRRH clinic and no one called back. Does anyone else have advice? I have not had any food or stomach issues but worry that because it will be 3 weeks monday since my surgery that its too early for pills.

Any advice?

Sorry I'm so long




on 12/28/12 10:14 am

All I know is that when I was pregnant, I had this problem MAJOR.  The only thing that helped was suppositories.  Not sure if anyone else would agree with this, but they saved me big time.


January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 12/28/12 10:15 am

I feel your pain! I've just come off of 2 weeks of HE** with this problem. In fact (TMI alert) my best Christmas gift wasfinally  pooping :)) Luckily I have been able to swallow pills right out of surgery. My clinic told me to take stool softeners and the shoppers brand was good enough to take. They also suggested a glycerine suppository to help move things along. I did both for 5 days before anything happened. You MUST make sure you drink lots of water (which hopefully you're doing anyways) when you're taking stool softeners.

Best wishes to you on's painful and difficult, I know :}


Orientation GGH: Mar '11 --- Surgeon: Oct 23, '12 --- Pre-Op: Nov 13, '12 --- SURGERY GGH,Dr. Reed:Nov 22, '12                 


on 12/28/12 10:33 am - Toronto, Canada

you can try "Smooth Move" tea, its herbal, easy on the tummy and works fast. I enjoy a cup of this tea at night, works wonders!  The tea has a mild licorice taste.. I bought mine at the Big Carrot - organic food store, (on Danforth Ave in Toronto) I would think you could find it at any organic/health store, maybe even at the Bulk Barn.   20 tea bags for under 5.00

Referral date May 11/12, Orientation July 3/012, Dietician & SW & nurse  Aug 14/12
Dr Sullivan Aug 31/12, Opti pick up and last appointment with Dr Sullivan Oct 10/12, start Opti fast Oct 23/12 - Surgery : November 6/12

on 12/28/12 10:48 am

I take a pill called Taro-Ducosate every day. It's a stool softener. I was prescribed this by my surgeon right after surgery, but I tried without it and I was spending way too much time in the bathroom pushing and in pain without it. Sitting on the toilet for hald an hour is impossible at work. The pills are little red capsules. I've had no problems swallowing them. 

They're not very expensive (about 100 for $10), but you have to ask for them at my drug store. The pharmacist says many cancer patients also take it. The nurse at the weight loss clinic called them soap pills. 

Good luck. 

(deactivated member)
on 12/28/12 10:57 am - Straford, Canada

If after the MOM you find you need more consistent help maybe try ground flaxseed and/or psyllium in the morning to help stuff keep moving.  Its inexpensive at the bulk barn, has other nutritional benefits, can be added to water and drunk (not pleasant but better than constipation) or put over cold or hot cereal at breakfast.  And someone mentioned water, very important to up the water if you're not getting enough if you're trying these, as they use water to expand and help push the food along.  

on 12/28/12 11:57 am

I am not sure if at the stage you are at you are able to have prunes.  I eat a serving of prunes each evening as a snack and voilà - each morning no issues.  I do not need a laxative, just a stool softener.  I noticed it was worse once I started taking calcium pills.  Yes, the stool was hard and ripped my hemorrhoids.  OUCH!  I treated the hemorrhoids and started eating prunes.  No problems since.  I buy the big bag of prunes at Costco - Kirkland Sunsweet prunes - 1.6 kg bag for $6.69. 



(deactivated member)
on 12/29/12 4:59 am - Guelph, Canada

I second the prunes.. I et 4 bite size prunes (about the size of a looney) and within 2 hours there's movement 

on 12/29/12 11:41 am - Brampton, Canada

I'm with Dee and J.. I munch down a couple of prunes and away we go

But I also eat the other stuff Ian suggested.

A little further along and you'll be able to eat some FRESH FRUIT (it's good for you in small small quantities) and get some roughage into ya

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 12/28/12 6:25 pm
RNY on 09/20/12

the best stool softener I did find was soflax (docusate sodium). Same problem here - and I take meds that add to the constipation. You can get them over the counter at the pharmacy - approx 8 $ for 100. Take 2 in the morning (and 2 at night as needed) + benefiber and prunes.... I am on a hole bunch or helps. Sorry for the TMI part...

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