My first post, I just had to say something

on 1/23/13 1:29 pm - Canada

My family Dr referred me to the Family Health Center  Mental Health Services and this guy does the initial assessment I think.

He said he would be sending his recommendations back to my family Dr and in fairness to him he did say he would be instructing him to step me down off the Elavil while slowly starting the new medication. It didn't seem like I would be returning to his office to see him again. Thank God. Interesting though I asked my family Dr many times if the medication was causing my weight gain and some of the other side effects and he said no. 

I am a little hesitant to bring this up at the Bariatric Clinic (these are recent events) for fear I will be rejected. But then again Dr Glazier is also a sleep specialist. But it is a little risky.


on 1/23/13 7:50 pm

This is horrible. Please put in a letter of complaint so this dink will think about how he talks to the next person he is supposed to be helping.

on 1/23/13 7:57 pm - Canada

I love his gentle bedside manner and the comforting reassurance he displays in suggesting alternative methods of weight loss. A real people person! Did you consider a "Thank You" kick to the groin? 

Now I may be going out on a limb here, but I would suggest a second opinion on this one. ;)

Long you live and high you fly 
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry 
And all you touch and all you see 
Is all your life will ever be.


(deactivated member)
on 1/23/13 8:22 pm - Straford, Canada

Do not know why but it reminds me of Dana Carvey's character the church lady, when she says "Isn't that special"!  It takes all kinds.  About half way through my year od waiting for WLS I met with an internist because I had a hinky cardiac stress test result.  When he found out I was going for bariatric surgery he promptly left the room, came back about five minutes later and asked if I knew how much the surgeon would make to do my surgery...  as I had no idea he prompted to fill me in. His basic message was they (read bariatric surgeons) don't have my best interest at heart, they're just putting in time to pull in suckers like me.  He then launched into a long tirade about how we had to stop listening to folks who were not acting in our best interest and said something like "I needed to grow a set".  To which I said good idea and walked out of his office.  Can't imagine why but no report ever did surface from that meeting, no referral letter or any note for my file.  

Hope your continued journey becomes a bumper crop of your favorite produce! kiss

Monica M.
on 1/23/13 9:45 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada

What an ass. Reminds me of my former GP. You're not being oversensitive. You're being just sensitive enough.

You being referred for this surgery, in my opinion, is taking responsibility for your weight. You ARE dealing with it. (as long as you realize that the surgery will not fix your food issues, you do have to deal with the reasons you eat)

that being said, Elavil is kind of an older medication, and not the best thing to use for sleep. It does have a lot of not so great side effects, there are other sleep medication or antidepressants that have fewer side effects, and are kinder to your system.



(deactivated member)
on 1/23/13 10:19 pm

Don't see a psychiatrist because they usually just prescribe drugs. I've never met a psychiatrist that worked with people, but instead lectured people.

See a psychologist, they will talk things out with you and help you find the answers through talking. If you need medications for depression or other mental illness, they will acknowledge that and will ask you to see your family doctor.

Of course, this is my opinion, others may have other opinions.

on 1/23/13 10:58 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Sorry to be the devil's advocate, but the psyph did recognize the source of the problem and did his diagnosis/consulting job just fine, so ignoring his professional advise based on personal perception would be unwise, and I'm glad that you realize it.

For the long term treatment this doctor is not a good fit for you, as his blunt communication style made you feel uncomfortable and in therapy this kind of negative chemistry can ruin everything, so it will be better to have ongoing treatment with someone else.

As for the attitude and view of obesity... it's unpleasant, but there is nothing new in what he said, nor his opinion is uncommon among health professionals and general public. Dismiss these remarks as misinformed and biased. The person forgot the general endocrinology course from his second year in med school or took it before most of modern hormonal theory was even developed. It's not his field of specialization, he doesn't know or remember about leptin, gherlin, insulin inhibition of glucagon (that slows down sugar and fat processing), etc.... Duh! he is not an endo. he is under-informed. This portion of his "opinion" can and should be ignored. Would you be offended by a "easy coop out" remark of a ... dentist? same thing, IMHO.

Good luck and hope you do well with the new medication.

Nata, a very happy DSer!
Starting BMI - 62, current BMI - NORMAL!!!!!.

204 pounds lost!!!!
on 1/24/13 11:57 am - Canada

Thank you for your response I don't think I will be seeing him again The funny thing is he was very cunning and disarming ( like Eddie Haskel  ( from Leave it to Beaver) he would say things like "I know you are a smart women" or " I can see that you are a wonderful beautiful lady" he would say sweet stuff to keep you wondering is this guy for real, and then BOOM at one point he asked me about my sex life which, ok maybe could be a valid question as some drugs have sexual side effects but then he asked if I can achieve the big C now my cheeky side kicks in and I tell him "I have a real tough time getting over 10xs " and I was wondering if the drugs were causing that? His chair all of a sudden had 4 legs again!  But for the most part I just sat there in shock and awe. I guess I was suppose to experience that for some reason only God knows. LOL

on 1/24/13 1:55 am - Canada

Can you say "Asshole, know it all, dinosaur", WTF is wrong with this guy.

You just heard him say the side effects of your meds are causing the dreams etc. So take that and leave the rest on his stupid couch.

What a dick. You are not wrong, keep on going for surgery.

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