
on 6/2/13 10:34 am - Canada

I have had an allergic reaction to something and I have swelling on my face.  Emergency dept told me to take Benedryl which has not worked, going back tomorrow.  In the meantime my surgery is on Wednesday.  I was told the reaction shouldn't make any difference to having surgery.  I feel fine but I'm worried.  I'm totally prepared and Ive lost almost 20 pounds fasting.  Don't want to have to do it all over again... Any ideas from anyone?

on 6/2/13 12:03 pm - Canada

Keep taking the Benadryl it my take a couple of doses! Good Luck

the weight is coming off.......

Surgery: July 11, 2013. Hamilton, Ontario. 

on 6/2/13 6:42 pm - Canada

Thanks, I was told to take four a day but the package says I can go up to eight. 

on 6/2/13 12:38 pm

The only concern would be if the swelling interfered with your breathing.  Otherwise your surgery should not be delayed....(just checked my crystal ball for this answer!).



on 6/2/13 6:40 pm - Canada

Thanks Judy, and your crystal ball.  I'm at my wits end trying to stay calm.  I really don't want to reschedule, I;ve made arrangements for everything to be looked after for me - my animals, plants, transportation, job, I bought all my shakes and starting nourishment for the first two weeks.  Got on the scales this morning and I lost another pound.  Im good to go!wink

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