Question... Calorie and exercise....

on 6/29/15 7:57 pm - Alexandria, , Canada

Just a brief back story.

I had RNY on Feb 2010 in UTICA NY. I had met goal in less than a year. from 326 lbs down to 208 lbs  without exercising. I had little to no hanging skin except on my tummy. I had a panniolectomy done in Cornwall,l Ontario Sept 2013. I had aprox 30 lbs of skin removed. I was supposed to be down to 178 according to my weight suggested by the RNY DR. well Unfortunately I contracted an Antibiotic resistant infection in my pelvic area and hip stitched areas. The wounds would not heal and I developed a sensitivity to all latex and silicone products. So no tapes just Abdominal dressings loosely laying on wounds to absorb discharge. So I was put on bed rest for 10 months wit round the clock nursing care at home. I was kept sedated for the better part of 9 months. Then I developed cellulitis in both hips due to swelling and lack of movement. This also had to be surgically attended to, causing me another 6 months of little movement and heavy antibiotics to prevent another infection. I looked FANTASTIC when I was all healed BUT... I had now gained 20 lbs from meds and lack of movement. Now having said all this ...

WHen I was being followed in Utica for the RNY I was told to eat no more than 1000 calories in a day. Here in canada when I went to the nutritionest she told me to eat 1200 a day. I started to gain weight rapidly... I had told her what Utica drs had sait but she told me that was for just after the surgery not for life. I left her care having gained a further 20 lbs now 40 lbs over.... 

My question is this. I want to loose the weight now (desperatly) that I am recovered and all healed. I want to know since my family dr isnot to familure with the diet side of the RNY. What I need to do. Do I do the 1000 calories. and if I do exercise do I add calories or just stay at the 1000. I am so confused. I have made an appointment in Utica to touch base with the original surgeon for the RNY the 16th of October... But I really need some answers now before this weight gain gets worse. HELP!! Just to note here that I have called several Gastric doctors  in Ontario and have been repeatedly told that since I am not their patient they are not free to give me information. (Frustrating!!!) Anyone have a solid answer to get me back on track??? I have currently for the last 3 months been eating 1000 calories and following the but when I enter excercise I am told to add calories to balance the exercise. I have only lost only 7 lbs. Should be alot more.

Starting weight on insurance approval (sept 17th 2009) 336LBS 

This "TRACKER" reflects from the surgery date ( Feb 11, 2010.) weight in until now (Aug 10,2010). (6 months)                 
on 6/29/15 8:36 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Sorry to hear about your various setbacks. Happy you're doing better. That must have been really difficult!

Everyone is a bit different in terms of calories, exercise, etc.  What you might want to consider doing is finding your balance point -- taking your calories to where you neither gain nor lose. Once you know that, and you want to lose, take away a few calories (100 to 200 to start). Be mindful of carbs -- keep them fairly low if you want to lose. Do that for two or three weeks and see if and what you lose. Make adjustments accordingly. 

For me, I'm very active (running, kickboxing, weight training, etc.) so eat about 1500 calories a day -- which is a lot for some, but seems to work for me.  I do track every day on myfitnesspal, and weigh myself daily. I keep a pretty close watch.

I'm sure others will chime in with their advice. You might also want to find yourself a support group in your area.  That can be very helpful. 

Good luck!










Karen M.
on 6/30/15 4:03 am - Mississauga, Canada

What an ordeal you've been through! So glad to read that you're finally healed and recovered, very best wishes that you continue to move forward.

I'm not a dietician or a doctor, but I am 9 years post-op RNY and can share what has worked for me all these years to maintain my 170 pound weight loss (started at 290 pounds, now weigh 120 pounds).

First, despite what a "normal" person is recommended to do to lose or maintain weight, those rules don't necessarily apply to those of us with franken-guts. With respect to the number of calories - it's really an individual thing. I know vets who can consume 1800 calories per day to maintain and on the other end of the spectrum, I know vets who have to keep their consumption closer to 1000 per day. Honestly, it takes some trial and error to find out what your set point is. The fact that you've lost 7 pounds in 3 months shows that you're doing something right - your calorie deficit produces weight loss. Do NOT expect this weight to come off easily or quickly - it just won't. "Should be", "could be" doesn't apply here. It will take however long it takes - the positive thing is you are moving in the right direction on the scale.

It's great that you're using myfitnesspal - extremely important to assist in planning and organizing your daily menu/intake. The real victory is in actually following what you log into myfitnesspal. No bites, tastes, nibbles, etc.  What you will notice with programs such as myfitnesspal (and you already have noticed this, hence your question) is that they will tell you to "eat back" calories that you are supposedly burning. I do not believe in this. You are trying to lose weight - it makes zero sense to "eat back" what you may have burned unless you are completely at/below goal and quite frankly, are an athlete. Programs like myfitnesspal are based on the very basic notion that humans "need" 1800-2000 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight/BMI. To this, I call bull**** Eating that many calories per day and eating back calories you may burn during exercise does not work for those of us who have had metabolic surgery. Sad but true, we are not "normal" so can't eat "normal".

Instead of counting calories, what you really should be counting is proteins and carbs. I only know the exact number of calories I may eat in a day via myfirnesspal because the program calculates it for me. What I focus on, and always have, is keeping my protein high (at least 80 grams per day) and my carbs low (between 30-35 grams per day when in losing-mode). Carbs are carbs, no matter where they came from - the body uses carbs the same whether they came from fruit, veggies, or cookies. You need to cut them out/cut them down. NO refined sugar either. We defeat our own efforts by getting our "daily calories" from carbohydrates.

You're welcome to join in our "What are you eating/doing today" thread for additional support and guidance and if you have further questions or would like feedback on your typical daily intake, I'm more than happy to help.




Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 6/30/15 6:21 am - Welland, Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

I don't know about anyone else on here, but I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate your comments and sage advice. We are truly blessed to have you around. I'm just now reading things that you're saying, things that I already knew, but reading them now in text helps to keep me on track and accountable. Thank you, Karen.

Referral - Feb 25th, 2014. Info Session - April 7th 
Surgeon#1 - May 15th  Dr. Glazer - July 23rd, Dietitian/Social Worker/RN - Aug 1st, Surgeon #2 - Sept 10th, Surgery - Dec 16th, 2014!

Karen M.
on 6/30/15 8:08 am - Mississauga, Canada

I appreciate your appreciation. ;) You're most welcome.



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