What are you eating /doing today (Tuesday)

on 4/12/16 6:40 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning everyone. work and home. May go to a knitting group. See is I have any energy. Swimming yesterday seems to have worn me out.

b greek yogurt, apple sauce

l chicken salad, celery, baby carrots, yogurt

s baby bel

d garlic chicken, salad

s laughing cow breton crackers

Now if I can just stick to this I will be fine





on 4/12/16 9:26 am - Canada

Finally got my butt off the couch and went to the gym today. Did a few errands and now I'm home to get some work done.

Breakfast - ham and oatmeal

Snack - glass of milk

Snack - carrots and pb

Lunch - sausage and cabbage

Snack - pepperette, tomatoes

Dinner - going out somewhere

Snack - protein bites, pudding

All water and vits

on 4/12/16 9:30 am
RNY on 03/01/16

Work today and hopefully a walk with the dogs after work.  Then resting.  I did a little too much yesterday too.  It was my first day back at the gym today.  Everyone was happy to see me.  I had a wonderful stationary bike ride and treadmill.  It feels so much better after 40lbs is gone.

Time since surgery: 6 weeks.

B: Premier Protein shake

S: large boiled egg

L: cup of home-made chicken soup with coconut milk, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, thyme, parsley, garlic, onion, ginger, cinnamon

S: one ounce spiced gouda

Dinner: tin of kippered herring

Protein: 68g

Carbohydrages: 26g

Fat: 30g

Calories: 723

on 4/12/16 9:32 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

It is easy to get carried away exercising. Hope you feel better as the day wears on





on 4/12/16 1:57 pm

I love kippered herring, so easy and tasty.  I remember when I was allowed back at the gym after surgery, omg it felt so good.  Over time you will be able to do even more, you will see.  Before surgery I could not even kneel on my knee it was so painful.  Now at almost 2 years post op I do 5 hours of hot yin yoga per week as well as several hours of cardio.  I have worked up to this amount over 6 months though, it did not happen all at once ;0) 

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