breakfast ideas ?

on 5/3/16 2:17 pm - Canada
RNY on 02/02/15

I used to love cold chiken on toast but since i no longer eat the toast i dont eat cold chicken.


on 5/2/16 7:56 am - Arnprior, Canada

What do you like to eat at any point during the day?  Some can eat oatmeal, some can't.  When I make it, I add coffeemate powder instead of milk.  I can't do milk very well.  But anything you like eating during the rest of the day would be good.  Supper for breakfast, breakfast for supper.  Hey, before WLS, I'd eat lasagna for breakfast.


on 5/2/16 8:41 am - Canada
RNY on 02/02/15

My hope was tonfind quick ideas. Lol... i dont like microwaved meat which makes things difficult for me. I also dont tolerate eggs well.   i generallt cook myself a little chicken or somwthing for lunch or dinner when im home. The last few weeks have been hectic and ive made some bad choices so i really want to get back on track now that i can. I also love cheese way way to much. Lol

on 5/2/16 8:48 am - Arnprior, Canada

You could try banana/apple and light pb at home.  I was also suggested a wrap with a cheese string and spinach.  Or I did at one point have a recipe for a breakfast mini muffin.  (From the dietician).  You could do a smoothie and add protein powder.  Hummus and veggies.  Make a wrap using lettuce leaves.  Don't have to microwave meat.  Make bean salad and eat that. Tuna salad, chicken salad.  Salmon salad. Jerkey, pepperettes.


on 5/2/16 9:25 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15

How about deli meat roll ups?  Some either roast beef, ham, turkey, or chicken lunch meat with a slice of what ever kind of cheese you like wrapped around a small pickle. 

Some people who can't tolerate eggs do well with eggbeaters for some reason.

Have you check out she has so many different recipes and ideas that you could really have anything you wanted for breakfast.

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


on 5/2/16 7:04 pm - Orillia, Canada

I take a couple ounces of grated cheese and melt it in a good non stick fry pan until it starts to get crispy.  Crack an egg over it and continue to fry.   Depending on the cheese sometimes I use a paper towel to remove some of the grease.  Roll it up in 1/2 a small whole wheat wrap.   Breakfast on the run.   I add mushrooms and peppers when I have extra time. 


                 "Don't trade what you want the most,
                    for what you want at the moment."


on 5/3/16 3:45 pm

Cottage cheese sometimes with a few berries. I put one teaspoon of SF Jam and one stevia pack in my oatmeal and make it with water not milk also a little salt. 


Initial referral June 2014. Orientation Dec 2014. Initial Weight 380 lb. Meet the surgeon Feb 18 2016 Start opti Feb 19 2016 Opti weight 370 lb Surgery March 2 2016

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