Out of Province Application to OHIP

on 1/30/06 12:05 am
I just wanted people to know that the Providers Services office for the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care has moved it's approval unit from Kingston to Thunder Bay. If you are putting together a package to send to OHIP you need to fax it to 807-475-1427. I found this out after calling Kingston this morning. Hope this helps people who like me are looking to go outside of Canada for surgery. I sent in my application this morning...everyone keep your fingers and toes crossed for me. Sidney
on 1/30/06 1:00 am - Perth, Canada
omg sidney iam so glad u posted this change because iam in the middle of getting everything prepared for the Dr. to send in. TY hun for the info Dannette
Diminishing Dawn
on 1/30/06 6:58 am - Windsor, Canada
What about an address to send the package to? Can you send it through mail or fax only? Stef
Melanie H.
on 1/31/06 11:18 am - London, Canada
Ministry Of Health Prior Approval Claims 435 James Street South Suite 113 Thunder Bay ON P7E 6T1
Melanie H.
on 1/31/06 11:18 am - London, Canada
Ministry Of Health Prior Approval Claims 435 James Street South Suite 113 Thunder Bay ON P7E 6T1
Diminishing Dawn
on 2/1/06 5:15 am - Windsor, Canada
thank you
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