question on the OHIP form

on 2/1/06 6:45 am - Perth, Canada
hello everyone On the ohip forms there is a question was this a criticall transfer does anyone know what this means? and should yes be checked off for it? I want to make sure my Dr. doesn't miss a thing. thank you, Dannette
Diminishing Dawn
on 2/1/06 7:15 am - Windsor, Canada
You can check the NO box on this one! CritiCall Ontario ensures that critically ill patients are directed to hospitals with available specialists, beds, and critical care resources. It basically would be if you were dying and had to get this service done as not to immediately die (critical care). Stef
on 2/1/06 7:56 am - Perth, Canada
thank you Stef for the information I was curious as to what it meant and now I know Dannette
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