would my shoulder qualify??

on 2/17/06 10:54 am - Perth, Canada
Hey all As my title states would my shoulder qualify for the soft tissue damage area on the OHIP forms I have had it operated on 3 times it now has a surgical steele staple in it to keep it from dislocating and there are no musle on my bones from continued dislocations. If it requires another operation it will be a complete shoulder replacement. Iam sure my knees could be placed in that category to along with my back? anybody have any advice? thats all I can think of when i read up on what soft tissue damage is. Thank you for all your help, Dannette
Diminishing Dawn
on 2/17/06 12:27 pm - Windsor, Canada
The doctor needs to fill it out. Your doctor should talk to you all about your medical history and problems related to your obesity. Your doctor should fill this all in. Stef
on 2/17/06 9:55 pm - Wawa, Canada
Yes it would help, but do you have High blood pressue, diabetis, heart disease, any problems with your leg joints, back?? Louise
on 2/18/06 12:26 am - Ajax, Canada
My doctor and I had trouble with the soft tissue damage part as well. The only thing that got me approved for surgery in the US was having Sleep Apnea. Maybe you should do a sleep study. Liana
on 2/18/06 12:35 am - Perth, Canada
Hi Liana, I have a sleep apnea test comming up in March that will be one more thing on the list I have if it turns out that i have sleep apnea. Thanks for your help, Dannette
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