My Update

Diminishing Dawn
on 2/17/06 12:35 pm - Windsor, Canada
Hi There. The last time I posted I was super frustrated. When I approached my doctor about this surgery, she looked at me right away and said that I looked like I "wasn't heavy enough for this surgery". The doctor said that she would not approve me but would send me to an endocrinologist who could make the decision if it was "medically necessary" for me to get it done. (She didn't know anything about it even being done in Ontario! when she basically told me that I probably wouldn't qualify for out of country coverage (my first choice). She told me that the endocrinologist would only approve those that had a BMI of around 50-55 because that seems to be what OHIP would approve since they have tightened up their acceptance policy to pay the surgery. ************ So I did go this week to the endocrinologist appointment. I was extremely nervous since I was 2 lbs short for that BMI of 50. It was so ridiculous that a co-worker suggested that I carry a few rolls of loonies or something so that I could add more weight to the scale, knowing how frustrated I was. The endocrinologist turned out to be much more interested in me, supportive and inquisitive than my family doctor. He was so nice and kind and just really seemed to understand my frustrations of being obese throughout my life time. That 2 lb shortage ended up not mattering...because I ended up being an inch shorter than I THOUGHT that I with the shorter height, my BMI more than qualifies! So the endocrinologist filled out the paperwork and is sending it in. The only thing that makes me nervous about that is that of course, I can't add my personal letter or photos or anything like that which I've heard can help....but I guess I'll save that for the appeal should I be denied. I'm crossing my fingers for now, Stef
Joyce J.
on 2/17/06 9:38 pm - Scarborough, Canada
Hey Stef, Good for you. I'm glad you didn't give up. But how ridiculous for us to fret over being a couple of pounds UNDERWEIGHT. It's just crazy. I didn't send any personal letter or pics until I was denied(but I had it already assuming I would be denied LOL) Don't worry, everything will be fine. This gives you some time to think about the letter and maybe you won't even need it. Good luck girl. Keep us posted Joyce
on 2/17/06 9:50 pm - Lawrencetown, Canada
Hey Stef, Good luck with the process. We're all here for you too. Keep us posted. Take care, Di
on 2/17/06 9:54 pm - Wawa, Canada
Also, Stef, OHIP approves patients with a bmi of over 40, what co-morbitities do you have? Also, get yourself a new family doctor, if she is not supportive now, she won't be!! Louise
Diminishing Dawn
on 2/17/06 10:23 pm - Windsor, Canada
Yes but I want out of country coverage, so they are alot more picky about that these days. Doc says they have gotten much stricter. No huge comorbidities that is the problem. Back/knee pain, urinary stress incontinence, high cholesterol, nothing major. I do have a family history of heart attacks so that is something that is serious for me. Well since the endo has approved me, I think she will now work on helping me get approved. I just think she was fearful about being the one to sign the paper or something. Stef
on 2/18/06 12:09 am - Wawa, Canada
We have just had quite a few approved lately by ohip, don't thinkg they are much more stricter, you just have to have a good doctor fill out the forms, ask your endo doc to do it, that would be even better than your family md. and all the things wrong with you are all good go morbitities you just have to play them up. Louise
on 2/18/06 12:13 am - London, Canada
I tried to get out of country approval but was denied. My BMI was 48. I had comorbidities of sleep apnea, diabetes, and a serious family history of early deaths. When I called to talk to someone about it, he flat out told me that my family history had no bearing on my acceptance or denial. They didn't care that every female on my Mom's side of the family that was over 200 lbs died before they reached the age of 60. That was 2004. I had at first been approved and then had my application yanked and denied. It was very devestating for me. Luckily, I was was able to get accepted by Dr. Reed from Guelph. Bottom line is, if you want it, GO FOR IT and don't let anyone including your family Doc stop you or make you second guess yourself. My family Doc was not too keen on it either but did finally give in. I can't wait to prove to him that he was wrong and this is a life saving operation. My surgery date is March 23, 06!!!! Take care and keep us updated. Pamela from London, ON
Joyce J.
on 2/18/06 2:51 am - Scarborough, Canada
Hey Stef, Our co-morbidities(or lack of) are about the same. I had sleep apnea as well. I was denied first but then appealed and was approved. Chin up girl Joyce
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