It must just be me!!!!!!!!!

on 2/23/06 3:28 am - London, Canada
I had my appt with my Gyno today, and asked if he would sign the OHIP papers, he is like "this is a family doctor issue", I said no not nessesarily, that I was told I could go to a walk in clinic, phyciatrist(sp?) etc. And that with him having knowledge of my conditions that he can sign them. He is like well, leave them with me, I will call (meaning Doctors that do the procedure in ontario, and OHIP) and see if I can sign them...I was like ahhhhhh, ok, and when can I expect them back? He says sometime next week. I suggested that I make the "phone calls for him", he says that he isn't going to loose his license over me and he isn't going to get stuck paying the bill and that he will just rip up the papers right now not to push him because he isn't going to get F-ed!!!!! This is the same man that put me on blood pressure meds will I was pregnant and knows the pain I have been in, the surgeon that did my ablation that didn't work!!, I just don't get it. So now I wait again, to see if maybe he will fill out the forms properly in order for me to get approved from OHIP...I wasn't about to ask him for a letter of support, I do have faith and I believe that I am meant to have this surgery, I know that it will happen, I just feel that I am getting the run around from those who are supposed to be helping me in my goal to be healthy. Thanks for listening to my venting again! Dawnya
on 2/23/06 5:55 am - Hamilton, Canada
Wow. What a rude doctor. I'd almost be tempted to report him to the College of Physician's and Surgeons. There is no way, regardless of the situation he was in, that he should have said those things to you. What an insensitive pr***! I'm sorry you're having a hard time. Hang in there. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Diminishing Dawn
on 2/23/06 6:41 am - Windsor, Canada
I wonder if there is a good endocrinologist that would help you and sign the papers, deeming it "medically necessary". My family physician was also very reluctant to sign the papers, and referred me to an endo and he was very nice and supportive (surprisingly!) Otherwise I say then, get a new family doctor and start again. It doesn't sound very promising. Stef
on 2/24/06 11:44 am - London, Canada
Hi Stef Do I need to be referred to an endo? I am not sure until next week if I will need to see someone else, I am still praying for my gyno to see the light. Thanks Dawnya
Diminishing Dawn
on 2/24/06 10:57 pm - Windsor, Canada
I had to be referred being that it is a specialist. I had to wait three months too. Stef
on 2/23/06 9:00 am - Georgetown, Canada
Sorry to hear that Dawnya. With myself i went to my family doctor and asked him to refer me for the GBS he said no problem i'd be a good candidate. He booked me with Dr K Reed and never once have i had to get papers signed for OHIP. I don't know if it's got to do with how much over weight a person is or what. Myself i was 126 lbs over weight for my age and height and anything over 100 lbs is considered morbidly obese and it's covered by OHIP. Hope it all works out for you. As far as your venting goes that's what we're here for. Take care Debbie
on 2/23/06 10:22 am - London, Canada
Thanks Debbie! I am "super morbidly obese" at 200lbs over weight!! I would love to strap a 200 lb person on these doctors and have them spend a week with it to see how their joints and backs and everything feels!!!! Dawnya
on 2/26/06 3:09 am - Burlington, Canada
Dawnya, I am sorry that you got such a negative reaction from that doctor. Was he by chance a skinny person? Others on this site have given member's referrals to GP's and specialists who are supportive of WLS. Have you joined the London OSSG Yahoo group yet? The leader of that group, Shirley Hodder, has taken hundreds of pre-ops under her wing and helped them to find doctors, specialists and surgeons and then helped tem through the process of getting referrals to Ontario WLS surgeons and WLS surgeons in the US. Keep your spirits up, this is just another obstacle for you to pass on you journey. David
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