Good Tuesday Morning, What's Going On In Your World Today?

Laureen S.
on 4/25/11 8:01 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
It is promising to be another nice weather day here on the East Coast, I'd rather the temps be a tad cooler, but hey it beats 30s, 40s and damp 50s for sure!!!

It's a work day and I have to get ready for it, so I'm starting us up because I need the connection with you all today and will come back from time to time throughout my day!

You all have a good one and best wishes for peace and strength for those with life challenges.


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Monica B.
on 4/25/11 9:12 pm - Emery, SD
Sober 174 days and so proud of me. Thank you ALL for your sustaining support...and I thought I had one Traveling Bra lifting me up? SiSTAH power..even George.
Oh the weather that many are suffering through. Never realized how dangerous the night becomes for those in tornadoes zones. Prayers offered for those who have been affected. Many will suffer from PTSD and not even realize how heavy this new burden will be. They will rebuild their homes and material items and NOT know they might need special counseling for the emotional damages.
We did little yesterday, both of us took naps. Hubby admitted that it was smart to leave the Siesta Key beach when we did. Even though we have berry brown tans, the sun did a ### on his skin. I have begun using a stronger strength sun screen which I put on all over before getting dressed for the outdoors. He gets it now. BUT will he do what he "get". I doubt it.
Charlie, our RV repair man, stopped by for a visit yesterday. He is Hungarian,was a circus trapeze flyer, in his 60, LOVES America, has a Sicilian wife, 2 daughters & 3 Gkids, a thriving business, opera music ring tones on his phone, and SO much knowledge about American history---it would put a history professor to shame. We have incredible discussions filled with passionate ideals and hopes. He told us how he went for bread for his parents and family in 1956, at age 10, stood in line for hours, when Russian soldiers stormed the area and shoved rifles in their bodies. He explained how that incident cemented his "hatred" for Russians and affected his life. Learning to separate the people of a nation or society from the governing powers is very hard. He also explained how the Hungarian people have such deeply divided and ingrained feelings about Muslims going back hundreds of years, that layers of hatred are enameled DNA instincts passed down from generation to generation. Overcoming this mentality takes hard proactive work, like cracking hard nuts or losing weight after being morbidly obese. He also knows more about current events than most Americans do.
We are going to get Tstorms later. It will get in the high 80's. Not much else planned.
Hope all stay safe and enjoy the day ahead. Happy Birthday Debbie. Hugs Monica

Laureen S.
on 4/26/11 1:59 am - Maple Shade, NJ


Congrats on yet another sober day!

It is terrible to hear about the devastation all over with the severe weather, we have had tornado watches here several times lately and for the East Coast that is very unusual, but happening more often now.  First the winter that dumped and dumped and now this, I was glad to read that Susan is ok and I hope any other of our friends out there are ok as well. . .

Take care, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 4/25/11 9:38 pm
Good morning everyone.

Yes, I am concerned for those with storm damage yet husband called a work associate in Arkansas and they had a FOOT of rain followed by tornadoes.

Today's line up is pretty easy: work, workout, and get the wheels balanced on the car.

Yesterday I overate at lunch (salad with chicken and apples - healthy BUT....). I ended up not wanting to drink my fluids  as I should and wanted nothing else to eat the rest of the day. I won't do that again - I overate to the point of discomfort, and it threw off my entire day. I am not good at logging my food and doing the counting...but will today, you can be sure!

on 4/25/11 9:51 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Laureen, it's raining here in Michigan, suppose to all week long. Need my sunshine I tell ya!

Happy Tuesday OFF family, hopefully the rain will stop in awhile and I can take a walk during my breaks. Nothing new to report, but am glad all the Easter candy is gone in my house.
Gas went up to 4.17 yesterday, people were lined up for gas yesterday at 3.93 while I was at work. This is just so crazy. I have a half a tank and will hold off, maybe the prices will go down...wishful thinking I know! LOL

Hugs and prayers for all in need. Today is Officer Zapata's funeral, he was killed in the line of duty in Kalamazoo last week. They are having his funeral at WMU in Miller Auditorium. He will have at least 1,000 police cars and fire trucks in the funeral procession. God Bless our military and police officer's and fire fighters. Debbie
Laureen S.
on 4/26/11 2:04 am - Maple Shade, NJ

We have had rain for most of the past month, that is why I was so thrilled with the last two and a half days of sunshine, though right now it is cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms, as for the price of gasoline, I drive 84 miles each day to work, it is now costing me over $40 to fill up my economical car and add to that that come July the toll increases a dollar a day, I can only do what I can and I am grateful to have money to put gas in the car, though I may have to tighten up the belt somewhere else . . .

Prayers for the officer's family and those affected by his loss. . .


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 4/26/11 3:16 am - Shelbyville, MI
Laureen enjoy your sunshine.
Thanks for the prayers for Officer Zampata, they have the funeral on TV today.
on 4/25/11 10:33 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll.
My heart goes out to everyone effected by the bad weather. Tornadoes, floods, all of Mother Nature's wrath.
Yesterday I finished the 2 chair cover things for my DIL. I did some trimming of my Weeping Willows, and I put Preen in my flower gardens. My son's family came for Easter leftovers. And a nap! Why does everyone come to my house to eat and then take a nap?
The plumber cost $75 yesterday. But I am glad to have the leak fixed. It's been leaking since we moved here 6 years ago. But the drip had become a trickle. None under the sink though
Today a few errands before the forecasted thunderstorms arrive. The bank, the PO, the Commissary and Walmart. I want to be home before lun*****ase people come for lunch I don't really need to be here. They all know where the food and the microwave are!
Monica, I KNOW my son has PTSD. My DIL agrees. Why is it they won't get help for these things until after they retire? Actually, I know. They don't want anything like that in their medical record because it will affect any future promotions! But it is sure hard on the family until they DO get help!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Nancy H.
on 4/25/11 11:09 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good morning Laureen & everyone. We have wind & lots of rain here. My DH said it's supposed to be a cool sumer. Not bad enough we have terrible winters now it may continue into summer!!
Just staying home today. My son called, he made it to the E. coast ok. He is leaving for the middle east in 2 or 3 weeks. I keep praying his orders will be changed.
Hopefully I will get his 4 girls for the summer. I miss them so much.
Well you all have a great day!! Nan
Laureen S.
on 4/26/11 2:07 am - Maple Shade, NJ

"They" said here on the East Coast we were going to have a milder winter than last year, well "they" were not so right, not that anyone can really predict with much accuracy what Mother Nature has up her sleeves. . . 

Have a great day and I pray that your son be safe no matter where he goes.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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