OT: Homemade Dog Food

on 5/9/11 10:55 am, edited 5/10/11 1:56 am - Cibolo, TX
Well, after trying about $50 worth of different brands of dog food over the past month, and a very expensive trip to the vet today, I have come to the conclusion that I am going to try making my own dog food from now on.  I have a sweet little rat terrier named Patty Kate who is just so sensitive!  She has about scratched herself to death this past month.

This is not the first bout with food allergies we have had.  I knew she was allergic to wheat, but apparently now she is allergic to corn, and even when I buy lamb and rice or chicken and rice kibble, she still flares up with itchy skin.  I think it is all the additives in commercial dog food.

So I did some research and I prepared a very large batch of homemade Chicken and Rice dog food this evening.  I'm attaching the recipe below.  It wasn't hard, but it did involve some time and several pots and bowls!  Still, it will be worth it if it keeps Patty Kate from itching again.  Plus it's cheaper than commercial dog food.  You could cut the recipe in half if you only have one small dog or limited freezer/frig space.  I'll let you know how it goes over the next couple of weeks.  If tonight's dinner was any indication, it was a big hit with both Patty Kate and Lulu!

Chicken and Rice Dog Food   Place one whole chicken in large pot and cover with water. Bring up to a boil, then reduce heat, cover and cook about 45 minutes, or until completely done.   Remove chicken to large bowl or platter to cool, reserving broth.   

Add 2 cups brown rice to chicken broth, bring up to a boil, reduce heat, cover and cook about 45-50 minutes while chicken cools. Drain rice, reserving about 2 cups of the broth.  

Meanwhile, crack two eggs into a small bowl. Wash shells, then place in shallow pan and cook in oven at 300 F for about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and allow shells to cool. (This provides necessary calcium.)  

Meanwhile, steam about a cup’s worth of mixed veggies, such as carrots, squash, green beans, broccoli, etc. (Go easy on the broccoli if flatulence is a problem.) Steam the veggies really soft.  

Now, remove most of the skin from the chicken. Pick the meat from the chicken, discarding all the bones. Shred meat with fingers into fairly small pieces.   

In food processor, grind the egg shells into very fine pieces. Add the steamed veggies, along with about ½ cup of the chicken broth and process until smooth.   Add about half of the rice, plus the raw eggs, and process until smooth. Pour mixture into a very large Tupperware-type bowl.  

Now place the shredded chicken pieces into the processor and add about a cup of chicken broth. Pulse for 2-3 seconds at a time until chicken is in small pieces, but not completely pulverized.    

Pour chicken and remaining rice into bowl and stir to mix well. Break up any remaining large pieces of chicken with your fingers as needed. Allow mixture to cool, then cover and refrigerate to store. Or divide mixture into portions, seal in Ziplock bags, and freeze to use later.   

Do NOT add salt, onion, or garlic to the cooking process. Dogs do not need the salt, and onion and garlic are toxic to them. 


Margo M.
on 5/10/11 1:43 am - Elyria, OH
thx for sharing! the raw egg makes me nervous tho

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 5/10/11 4:56 am - Cibolo, TX
Hi Margo,

You could just leave the raw egg out if you wanted to.  But don't leave out the egg shells!  They provide the calcium.  Or you could substitute a little bone meal for the egg shell. 


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