Where should I have WLS

Suzanne B.
on 5/11/11 11:52 am - OR
           The difference in where you have your surgery  

I have been doing a little information gathering in the past few days. I live in the state of Oregon and in the city of Eugene. I have discovered that they do NOT have anyone in my city to do WLS.                         

I spoke with someone who was going to have to drive to a smaller city than we live in to have her sleeve WLS. Then I was shocked when she said they are doing it as DAY SURGERY and the doctor wants her to go stay in a hotel close to the hospital once they release her from Day Surgery—just in case something goes wrong she can return to the hospital quickly. The doctors have only asked her to say in a hotel for one (1) night then she can come back home—about 60 miles away from where she had the surgery. I was SHOCKED to hear that she is going to receive so little care from the doctor or hospital.                           

This just reaffirms why I went to Dr. Aceves in Mexicali, Mexico. I was cared for so differently. I spent part of one day getting all my tests done—which I am sure in the US they do the same thing. I had the opportunity to see the hospital and I also saw how often and how much they cleaned just being there for 3 hours for the tests. I was given paper work to fill out the night before surgery (which they must have you do in Oregon). I met with a doctor the night before (he comes to the Hotel you are staying in) the doctor who explained the surgery and how it is done went into great detail and asked if I had any questions and then spent more time answering my questions. 

In the morning, I was assigned my very own nurse who was taking care of me—she got me ready for the surgery. That morning I saw the two surgeons, and the anesthesiologist, who again answered ALL my questions that I forgot to ask the night before. They explain exactly what they were going to do and what I would feel like when I woke up.  

They would have NEVER sent me to a hotel to recover. I spent 4 days and nights in the complete fully equipped hospital seeing two doctors 3 times a day. I was given a battery of test before they would consider sending me home. On the 5th day, I was driven to the San Diego Airport and I flew home. 

This is the kind of care you should EXPECT AND DEMAND if you are having this kind of surgery. You need to be doing your recovery in a HOSPITAL.
So the next time someone makes the comment to me about why would I go outside of the US for this kind of surgery this is EXACTLY WHY. When you want the best you do your research and find the best. That is just what I did.

Now I can’t speak for other doctors in the US or other hospitals, only what I learned while doing a bit of research here in Eugene, OR If you are having WLS PLEASE ask the doctors, the hospital and those involved what their care is like, and what they will be providing you during your WLS. 

YOU have the right to have the best care possible. You NEED to be your own advocate when it comes to your Health Care. NEVER SETTLE for anything less than the best when it comes to your health.
Suzanne B
Eugene, OR
Dr. Aceves
Start lbs 225
Now 120
Margo M.
on 5/11/11 12:53 pm, edited 5/11/11 12:58 am - Elyria, OH
i am finally going to say something to answer your posts.....and it will probly get me into some ho****er---it will not make me popular but i really dont care.....ive been posting on this forum for more than 7 years and i've seen alot of folks come and go.....

i have counselled and angelled and vented and cried and laughed and applauded with many.....what i am about to say is MY opinion....

(this is a free site and we are all entitled to our opinions and comments
here are mine)

while your posts start out to be caring and informational--i truly believe you are receiving compensation or perks from your doctor and i am tired of it--if he needs patients that badly he should pay to advertise...not use someone to post like you do.if this is not the case i would like to know why you think you need to educate us all????????

many of us live in cities too small to have our own docs-and most of us have travelled far...

and , yes, we need to research and we need to be proactive and we need to be careful.....

i am simply tired of your ads

thats all i have to say on this matter.

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Suzanne B.
on 5/11/11 2:41 pm - OR

I am not upset with what you said at all.  I have NOT been PAID ONE DIME from Dr. Aceves.  If you want to beleive that or not that is up to you.  I really don't have to or need to prove to you that I am a real person who has been doing this for 2 1/2 years on other web sites and one of the members asked me to start posting here too.  Like you I have been there many times for people who need to have someone talk with them, listen to them, answer there questions, talk about their fears. I have done just that.

If you research who I have talked with, I have talked with many people on this site who are seeing or have made the choice to have their surgery with doctors other than Dr. Aceves, and I help them just the same.

Have a nice day, you are pretty quick to judge someone you no NOTHING  about. 

Suzanne B
Eugene, OR
Dr. Aceves
Start lbs 225
Now 120
on 5/11/11 4:18 pm - Bradenton, FL
 margo thankyou for bringing this up I thought the samething. Carla
image hosting site

Suzanne B.
on 5/12/11 1:30 am - OR

I am sorry you feel this about me--I don't know you at all.  Again you don't know me well enough to judge me.  I am very passionate about weight loss and have been since it changed my entire life 2 1/2 years ago. I do this because it is something that I beleive in.  I have see too many people suffer because of some of the WLS they have had.  I wish everyone great success no matter who they go to for their surgery.  I have been very supportive of anyone who asks me any questions about WLS NO matter where they are having it. 

I have NO need to prove anything to you or anyone else.  I am thrilled that you had had success with your weight loss journey.  I never judge other people for their choice.

Suzanne B
Eugene, OR
Dr. Aceves
Start lbs 225
Now 120
on 5/11/11 9:50 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Why not stay in the USA, go to a bariatric excellence rating hospital. We have one here and I'm not going to say which hospital. People are smart, savvy and do their own research.
Thank goodness I chose a hospital with excellent support groups and follow up apt. with my bariatric doctor.

Really...now a days people have research right at their fingertips. Most important I feel is follow up care. Have the doctor at your side always who is willing to offer advice and be there for you.
That is what we deserve! Excellent care always.

We are passionate about our WLS and hopefully our doctors we have chosen. I know I am.
You are so right that we should never settle for excellent health care.
Suzanne B.
on 5/12/11 1:51 am - OR

This wasn't written to be about me.  This was to say NO matter where you make the choice to have your WLS done; ask questions, know what kind of care you are getting before you get it.  EXPECT the very best for yourself.

I can ONLY speak about my own experience.  I know how long I did my research 6 months, asked hundreds of questions from many different people. Looked at other Doctors track records at the CDC.  Looked at the CDC on infection rates of the US hospitals--it is awful on so many of the so called "good" hospitals.  I worked with a team of very well educated NP's & RN's and asked them all kinds of questions about what to look for and what kind of questions to ask

So, I just didn't wake up and say Oh I am going to Mexico to Dr. Aceves.  I went with a purpose and had excellent care and great results.

So expect the best and thanks for you comments.  We all have an opinion.  Last time I checked we still have a right to freedom of speech.

Hugs to you,
Suzanne B
Eugene, OR
Dr. Aceves
Start lbs 225
Now 120
on 5/11/11 10:34 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Hmmm. I can see both sides, but the main thing to take away from this is do your own research and do what is right for you.
I got my lap band in Mexico because my ins would not pay for it. I had no co-morbidities. I loved my dr and the care I got there. I had to get fills at a Fill Centers USA. I have been back to MX a couple of times since my emergency unfill in a hosp here in NC due to a problem after surgery for my cancer.
My DH got his lap band here at a center of excellance hosp because he had co-morbidities and ins paid for it. His aftercare from the nurses was awful. Fills were painful. I went to his doc twice for fills trying to get back to my sweet spot. Neither one of us will go back to him.
I would reccommend my MX doc to anyone and everyone, IF ASKED. I would beg anyone who asks about getting a lapband from my DH's doc to reconsider. I understand he is very good at RNY. His STAFF, was not properly trained in lap band proceedures.
I am NOT saying people should go to MX for their surgery. But it is an option if your insurance won't pay. I am NOT saying docs in the states are bad. I AM saying do your own research. We are here to give our opinion and advice when asked.
I also think that unsolicited, glowing testimonials are a little suspect.
I know many MX docs pay to have former pts advertise for them. I guess anyone who has gotten good service anywhere has a right to tout their experience.
I would pray that everyone considering WLS is smart enough to use more resources than just a public forum.
I don't know Suzanne and whether she is compensated for this or
not. She is new here and I know nothing about her. I have been on this forum quite awhile and we all have stories of our own to tell.
We all know that WLS saved us. We are all caring adults willing to help those needing advice and support. And not just about WLS. I love every one of you and you have all helped get me through some very rough times in my life. My parents deaths, my cancer, my struggle with some weight gain and bad fills, my son's deployments. I KNOW you will be there for me in the future. I hope you all feel the same about me.
Peace please, I get upset when there is discord in my family.
Sorry about the typo's I have been passionate and in a hurry with my reply.

Grammylew in Jax


Margo M.
on 5/12/11 12:42 am, edited 5/12/11 12:44 am - Elyria, OH
carolyn; i did not wish to cause discord in the family.
i respect everyones choices or lack of them due to ins etc..and i know that follow up etc is not always as good as promised-here or in mexico- i am not dissin the mexico or thedoctor-
it is the "tutorial" approach-almost essay like

i guess i have a bad feeling too about some of what OH does- in 2004 i studied to be an OH chapter leader then they imposed many rules which my co leader and i decided we couldnt abide by--we had a group of folks who had no other support and did not want the views of OH imposed upon them.

suzanne has messaged me politely offline and i will do same.

i merely had to speak out-

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Suzanne B.
on 5/12/11 2:03 am - OR

I have read many of your posts--they are good.  I am so happy that the lapband has worked for you Congratulations to you!.  As I have said before, I did a lot of research and I also considered a lapband.  After my research, I knew the lapband was not for me.  I had sleeve surgery.  So with that comment we all have choices based on what is best for us.  I am not out here selling anything to anyone,I have no need too.  I am here to say this is what I have done and it worked for me.

Most of all I want people to take the time and look at the "entire picture."  What works best for you might not be the best for someone else.  But, where ever you go, know what you are getting and ask yourself is this OK for me?  I knew what I wanted just like you.  I have heard so many RN's and some doctors say that going to Mexico was the best place for them to have WLS.  If these professionals are picking Mexico, then that speaks pretty loud to me.  I did a lot of research just like anyone else.  This was my choice and of course I have a great passion for who gave me the tool to allow me to achieve my weight loss goal. At 63 when I had this surgery, I wasn't sure it would work for me--I had failed at eveything else.  WOW it worked,so no wonder I am excited about sharing it with other!   I know what kind  of doctor he is, just like you know and trust your doctor you had in Mexico.

Hugs and I wish you continued success in your weight loss.
Suzanne B
Eugene, OR
Dr. Aceves
Start lbs 225
Now 120
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