Happy Halloween

on 10/31/12 1:47 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Happy Halloween everyone. Hope everyone has a safe holiday.





Connie D.
on 10/31/12 3:27 am

Good morning Pat and everyone.....

Pat.....Happy Halloween to you too!! 

I am thinking this must be the morning thread. It sure has been quiet on here. I am praying that all our "East Coast" friends are doing well. I am worried about them. Still sending prayers too!

I saw my Chiropractor yesterday. My body was so out of line. He did a lot of adjusting. He said I would hurt more last night and today. He wasn't kidding!! He also told me I have one of the worst cases of Fibromyalgia he has ever seen. I told him he wasn't the only one that has said that to me. He asked me how I deal with all the pain. I said I do because I have to. I take Vicodin and Flerxaril the nights I can't sleep. He said my arthiritis isn't helping the pain either. No surprise there either. I am allergic or can't take all the other Fibro meds. I just do the best I can. Life goes on!!

Time to go back to bed. I hope a few more check in yet today. Prayers for many in need. Happy Halloween!!!

Love  and Hugs   to all.....connie d


on 10/31/12 3:54 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Sorry to hear you are having asuch pain issues. I am lucky mine have gotten better with weight lose. I also am unable to take Fibro meds. They mess with my brain and I can not function. Hope your day improves.






Eileen Briesch
on 10/31/12 4:57 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Pat and Connie and my OFF family:

Where is everyone today? Out scaring everyone? All they have to do is look at me and they'd get spooked! Any big plans for Halloween? I have to hope no kids show up because I don't have anything ... well, I have some coins, I guess I can use that.

I went out and looked at a couple of apartment complexes the past two days: two yesterday in Newburgh, a suburb of Evansville, and one on the west side of the city today. The one today is promising ... it's  a complex for 55 and older, the rent includes basic cable and 6 meals a week, there's a walk-in shower that's handicapped accessible, the apartment has a washer/dryer .... I really like it. It's a little more than I want to pay, but with the six meals, I'd save on my main meal of the day, so that's a plus. Plus, it's so quiet over there. The bathroom is huge and so is the bedroom closet ... which is probably where I'd put the litter box if I got in there. The two yesterday are OK, but not as close to work as I'd like. Today's complex is about a 10-minute drive to work. So I want to apply for the 55-older place, but have to wait for payday.

After looking at the place, my knee really hurt ... the walk up to the apartment was uphill, then back down downhill, of course, and that did a number on my knee. So I took a pain pill when I got home and am icing it. I wanted to do a few other things but can't. Might take a nap in a few minutes.

Connie, it's too bad you can't take any drugs to help you ... it's true you have a bad case of fibro. Have any of the other antidepressants helped you ... like using them at night ... Elavil or trazadone or those?

Hope everyone has a good day. Happy Halloween if you have plans to party. Me, I'm sitting at home watching TV as usual ... no big plans. Not even candy. (Well, I did have a dark chocolate nugget.)

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 10/31/12 5:48 am

Eileen...yes I do take Trazadone. My doctor increased it onother 25 mg. I can fall asleep ....I can't stay asleep. Too much pain thus I take Vicodin and Flexeral. Thanks for caring. I will make it through. Just really flaring up right now.

I am sure glad I don't have knee pain. I feel so bad for you. Still sending prayer for you!!  Is it any better at all??

 Love ya....Hugs......connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 10/31/12 6:54 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie:

Yes, my knee is better ... the pain pill and ice on the knee helped a lot. Just walking and standing too much today did me in. Hope you feel better.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 10/31/12 5:51 am - Davison, MI

Morning Pat, Connie and Eileen!

Sorry about the aches.  It's hard getting old.  I really am feeling so much better with the weight lost but, just as the knees feel the relief the age catches up.  I know if I still had on another 50 I would be crippled by now.

Another day in my Drama, just when I think I'm getting ahead  I called the surgeons office to set up my consult.  My two top picks for surgeons are leaving the practice the first of the year.  The one did my band and removed it and the other did my sister and DD sleeves.  I asked if as a returning patient I could have them do my surgery before I leave.  Nope!  No way, I have to do the NEW patient 4.5 hour consult and nutrition class first.  WHAT the heck, my body rejected the band.  Revisions AREN'T new patients. 

There, I'm done!

Have a great day!  Hope all on the East Cost are fine and get back here soon.


BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 10/31/12 7:30 am - Cibolo, TX

Happy Halloween my OFF sistas!

I guess the spooks and goblins are alive and kickin' at my house this week.  You remember that my frig went out and we went and bought a second little frig for the laundry room last Sunday?  Well, guess what?  My big frig went out yesterday!  Honestly, you can't make this stuff up.  So this morning Butch and I went back to Lowe's and bought yet another refrigerator (this one has the ice maker, etc.) and they are both being delivered here tomorrow.  I did get lucky and get the last floor model of a French door frig that was on clearance.  They even knocked another 10% off because it was dusty and slightly scuffed.  Still, that's TWO new refrigerators in ONE week.  My checkbook is in deep trauma!  LOL!

Tonight we are taking Benny trick or treating.  I think we three grownups are way more excited about it than he is.  He looks so cute in his little dragon costume.  I'll try to get some good pics. I bought a pumpkin orange sweater to wear with jeans tonight, but it is so friggin' hot today.  I think I may just wear my tee shirt.  It's that odd time of year here when you have to turn the heater on in the morning and the AC on in the afternoon. 

We are also going out to eat tonight because I refuse to cook in a kitchen with no refrigerator.  We have 2 big ice chests, trying to hold onto the milk and eggs and stuff, but it's just too complicated to plan and cook a meal under these cir****tances.  So out we go!

That's about all the news from the Hill Country today.  I sure hope all of our sistas on the East Coast and points inland are doing okay.  It's going to be so hard for all the folks with no power.  I know.  We've had our power go out for more than a week at a time before, and it sure is miserable.  I hope everyone can stay warm and dry and safe. 

Love you all!


on 10/31/12 11:20 am - Shelbyville, MI

Hello OFF family and Happy Halloween!

I'm at work, dressed as a wench from the 1800's. The patients love it. I'm wearing fake diamond necklace and earrings and I tell them I'm the Queen's servant and I stole the Queen's diamonds. What a hoot!

Gotta run, take care and prayers for all in need. Debbie

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