Sleepless in my car in a rest area in Elkin North Carolina!!!

on 9/20/15 3:57 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Thanks Kathy - the full time job has been crackers, 70 - 80 hours a week through the summer.  Well now there's been a political change at work and the hours are getting a lot more sane. Also, I only have to travel every other week now - so I will be able to work from home (or from Cape Cod, or where ever). Anyway - work was all consuming this summer but its time to put family and self before the job.  And family includes my sistas here on OFF! 


137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


on 9/20/15 4:12 pm
VSG on 08/11/14

Hi Ladies,

I spent the weekend at my brothers.  My niece came up from Virginia for a few days.  We had a family get together today.  Ate too much food. I go home in the morning.  It was fun seeing everyone.

Vickie I love the curtains.

Carla Sorry for not finding a hotel to stay in with the dog.  Have a safe travels.

Connie hope you are having a good visit with your family.

Christine glad to see you come back.

Thoughts and prayers for everyone.

Love and hugs,


Eileen Briesch
on 9/20/15 7:53 pm - Evansville, IN

Hi sleepy Carla and my OFF family:

Carla, LaQuinta Inns take pets; Days Inns, too, but I don't like them. I don't travel with my cat unless I'm moving. Please get some sleep.

Vickie, I like your curtains. You do nice work ... and that's from a person who does not do curtains. They look nice in your home. I wouldn't have them in my home because Juliette would shed on them and shred them. I'm very minimal. New apartment has vertical blinds. Cat hair attractors. 

I'm taking a moment out while I'm at work. I'm in the slot ... which means I'm in charge. It has gone smoothly tonight. I used a big centerpiece on the pope that was designed by the central desk in Corpus Christi, and then we had two other stories, one local, one from the AP. Plus some local stuff. So far, I've only goofed once. Central desk does a nation/world page and sends out a list of what's on there ... well, I missed seeing the one story and put it on one of our inside pages. So we had to replace it with another national story. Oops. 

Everything right now is done, just being proofed. It's different than doing sports. We only have three people on desk on Sunday. 

I get nervous being in charge ... I worry about being judged and all the things I could do wrong. Remember, other than my boss, I'm the only woman here. 

I had a lazy day before work. Gary and I went out to lunch at a Chinese restaurant before I had to go to work. The plan was to go from there to the old apartment and get some stuff, but time ran late and I had to go to work, so it was just him then. The restaurant was good; I had ordered take-out from them once. They had a buffet, so we both had that (he ate much more than I did, and I chewed very thoroughly; I have learned my lesson on Chinese food). And as soon as I started feeling full, I stopped, even if there was still food on my plate. In that way, I didn't get sick. 

Otherwise, not much. Almost done with work, just little stuff to finish up and we have to wait for sports stuff to finish up. I love reading all the posts and keeping in touch with everyone. 

Have a good night.  Get some sleep!

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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