How long did it take your incision to heal Tummy Tuck

on 6/13/11 8:02 am - Rochester, MI
HI I had a anchor cut on May 12th, it will be 5 weeks this Thursday. My hip to hip incision healed within the 1st week. My vertical incision from pelvic to belly button is really slow healing. I am seeing my Dr this friday for a check up appointment. It keeps scabbing then the scabs get pulled off sometimes on my clothes and the whole process of healing starts again. I talked to the nurse today and I put non stick gauze over it. Just wondered how long it took others to heal and if they dealt with a slow healing incision. Other than that I feel pretty good.
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/11 10:22 am

NOT that you have  alot of fat left on your tummy, but fatty tissue heals much slower...Just one of the many joys of FAT...


(deactivated member)
on 6/13/11 8:53 pm - Washington, MI
I had my  tummy tuck done 7 weeks ago (tomorrow) and one side is completely healed  while the other side is still pink. My surgeon says it is  normal but to me it  just doesnt seem right. I  saw my pcp who  said  everything looks good but to me it  just doesnt make  sense, so I know how you feel.
on 6/14/11 4:51 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN
I just posted about my necrotic tissue on fleur de lis (anchor cut) at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal incisions.

The surgeon debrided this area  yesterday and now I have a 1 inch by 1 inch by 1/2 inch deep hole.  It will have to heal from the inside  out.  From what I've read - this will take a few months.

The rest of my TT and brachioplasty incisions look really good.  I have some redness in my arm pits from the arm lift - but in the summer I think it might be expected.

I'm 3 weeks post op and still wearing abdominal binder and ACE bandages on both arms.
Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

on 6/14/11 7:17 am - Rochester, MI
I think we have the same surgeon too, what your describing is exactly what I have going on. I see him on Friday. Ill just have to wait and see what he says. Same triangular area with black like scabs on sides where the 2 incisions meet. It doesnt look good to me. Doesnt look infected though. Just not healed. I will be 5 weeks Thursday.
on 6/14/11 8:44 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN
Mine was just one scab leathery lesion.  It was triangle in shape 1 inch each edge on all 3 sides.

He told me since day one that it looked like it might be a problem.  I wonder if maybe the skin was pulled really tight.  I am 62 years old - never smoked - used neosporin twice a day, always wore my abdominal binder, took extra protein in daily(130 gm), didn't lift over 5 #, didn't exercise, etc.

I know it isn't  unusual.  Morbidly obese stretched out skin with underlying history of alot of fat - is probably not the "healthiest" skin.  I am short and petite and have lost 135 pounds (weight 120 now).

I don't blame the surgeon - or myself.  Just happened - but still a bummer and a pain in the butt to shower twice a day, clean and pack the wound, wear the binder, etc.

Hope yours heals without having to remove the black areas.  Be sure to post or PM me after your appt on Friday.  I will probably post updates.

Take care.

Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

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