on 9/29/11 7:49 am
Curious. I am seeing post where people have had tummy tucks, lbl's and other procedures where they give there goal weight is 20 or so pounds less than their current weight...And they mention that now they think they can reach their goal.

I thought that if you lost a significant amount of weight after your procedure it would ruin your results and you would have saggy skin again.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

(deactivated member)
on 9/29/11 11:01 am
that is exactly what Ive been wondering myself!!! I was going to ask my PS when I see him
on 9/29/11 11:20 am
I understand the stable weight thing but then I have seen post where they say that now that they have had the surrgery they have the motivation to get that last 20 off!

Confusing huh.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

on 9/29/11 12:40 pm - Honolulu, HI

I had a TT and my arms, thighs, and breasts lifted.  Since the last surgery I've lost 12 lbs and hope to lose another 15.  After losing the weight and having the extra skin removed I've been able to increase the intensity of my exercise program so I haven't had any problems with loose skin.

Lee ~
on 9/29/11 11:37 pm - CA
I hope more people will respond because I'm curious about this as well.  I'm only 3 pounds from a "healthy" BMI but I would still like to shed a bit more weight for the bounce back cushion that so many talk about.  I could happily live at this weight with the skin removed but getting down to 139 would be a dream for me.  I have been stable for quite awhile and am trying to get off some extra pounds before December surgery but it's tough restricting down to 800 calories to lose. I maintain pretty well at 1000 calories.

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

on 9/30/11 3:33 am
I asked my PS this. He said that if I'm within 10-12 pounds of my ideal weight, there shouldn't be any issues. More than that, then yes there might start to be a little bit of sagging and I might end up wanting a revision.

But you also have to take into account the weight of the skin you're having removed. If I'm 7 pounds from my ideal weight but have 4 pounds of skin removed, then really I'm only 3 pounds away. If you get to your ideal weight then have 15 pounds of skin removed, you'll be 15 pounds underweight. Know what I mean?

Have your PS do a rough guesstimate of how much skin they'd be removing and factor that into your calculations.

I totally support people who are not at goal getting plastics though. You've been through this arduous journey, trapped in a body that has made you feel worthless and unattractive, and that last 25 pounds can seem light-years away. Getting rid of the hanging skin provides an immediate boost and because you feel better about yourself, you're more motivated to keep losing. It happens all the time. If you need a revision later on, then fine. Save up for it. But it's better than yo-yo-ing miserably above your goal weight, waiting endlessly for the day when you'll get to feel good about yourself. It can be the jump-start you need to get to your goal.
"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution." -Bertrand Russell
5'9 HW: 297 GW: 160 CW: 161
Cynthia L.
on 9/30/11 5:41 am, edited 9/30/11 5:41 am - Clarence, NY
On September 30, 2011 at 10:33 AM Pacific Time, Lizzy25 wrote:
I totally support people who are not at goal getting plastics though. You've been through this arduous journey, trapped in a body that has made you feel worthless and unattractive, and that last 25 pounds can seem light-years away. Getting rid of the hanging skin provides an immediate boost and because you feel better about yourself, you're more motivated to keep losing. It happens all the time. If you need a revision later on, then fine. Save up for it. But it's better than yo-yo-ing miserably above your goal weight, waiting endlessly for the day when you'll get to feel good about yourself. It can be the jump-start you need to get to your goal.

I hear ya, sister.


chrissie_hynde_kitty_std-2-1.jpg picture by Queen-of-the-castleBad boys get spanked. - Chrissie Hynde Lifeposter-1.jpg picture by Queen-of-the-castle

on 9/30/11 4:44 am
Thanks for the responses. I guess it's to be expected that when you get your new body it would becomes easier to exercise and be more fit. I don't want to become attached to a scale but being self pay I sure could not afford a revision.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

(deactivated member)
on 9/30/11 5:11 am
Goal weight schmoal weight. Look where you are now almost half what you used to weigh, that is incredible in itself. I was 540 at my highest,I was 275 going into plastic surgery I am now 258 they took off 13 pounds of skin from me and I have a flat tummy now and now no boobs which is good for me.

I don't know if you based a goal weight off of BMI but it is a joke for most people, I am supposed to weigh 164 lbs. I never really had a goal weight so much as I wanted to maintain my weight around 270 + or - 5 pounds, cause that made me half the man I am today. They tell us in our bariatric group whatever you weighed as a young adult when you were 21-22 that is the weight you want to be at or under. I had a VSG and my surgeon told me keep it under 300 and we will call this surgery a success. Doesn't sound real aggressive on his part but they just want us to be happy and healthier and live a better life.

Try and find a happy place weight wise you can be content with, I think we all want to be lighter and feel better cause we don't want to be big again. I just know everything will work out great for you and you'll be a lot happier in the end.

Best of luck,

Cynthia L.
on 9/30/11 5:43 am - Clarence, NY



chrissie_hynde_kitty_std-2-1.jpg picture by Queen-of-the-castleBad boys get spanked. - Chrissie Hynde Lifeposter-1.jpg picture by Queen-of-the-castle

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