Stable Weight and PS

on 3/5/12 2:35 am - Ballston Lake, NY
So I'm looking for opinions/experiences on this issue....I know what is recommended...12-18 months post op from WLS...and/or stable weight for 3-6 months...

Here's my situation...I reached goal weight of 140 lbs at 7 months post op (back in Dec) but without trying I'm losing tiny bits of weight still in spurts...every time I think I'm done and don't lose for awhile,  or even go up a little, then some more comes off....

I'm now down to a very lean & toned 131 lbs and am 11 months post op....I was starting to get PS I jumping the gun? even though the loss is very slow and minimal, I'm technically not stable yet...but really how much more can I lose??? I'm 5 foot 4.....and say I even go down to (an anoxeric for me) 120 lbs, would 11 lbs really make a difference in my results?

Alain Polynice Arm Lift & Revision BL 4/15/15

Alain Polynice Hernia Repair, Revision TT, Lipo Flanks 5/28/14

Dr. Lee Gallbladder Removal 5/28/14

Francisco Sauceda  TT & BL  6/3/13

Mitchell Roslin VSG 5/12/11


on 3/5/12 3:07 am - WA
I don't think you're jumping the gun. The process for plastics can take a while between multiple consults and scheduling, so if you're at your goal weight then you're probably ready. That said, perhaps you need to up your calories a little so you don't lose any more weight? Good luck!
Amy Smith
on 3/5/12 4:25 am
For me, I stopped losing right at 1 year, BUT I had a lost of "redistribution."  It was really funny, that what bothered me plastics wise at that 1 year mark was not what ended up bothering me a little further out.  It can not hurt to start doing plastics and make some consults  It is not a quick process and takes some time to make decisions that are right for you and when you consult with different surgeons they will give you new ideas as in staging, etc.

I may have had a few extra potholes along the way, but the journey has been good!   

  • RNY- Christiana Institute of Advanced Surgery - Dr. Peters 8/09 
  • Medial Thigh lift & Brachioplasty - Dr. Macrea 7/2011  
  • LBL - Dr. Joseph Michaels (Sibley Memorial) 12/22/2011
  • Upper Body Lift with Mastoplexy - Dr. Joseph Michaels 12/20/2012


on 3/5/12 4:54 am
I had my face and neck done at one year because there was no fat left to lose in my face and the sagginess was really bothering me.  My butt and thighs look terrible but I am going to wait a while for them hoping that there might be some elasticity left in the skin and that getting some more muscle in my arms will help with the batwings.  Plus, I have to save the money for more surgery...
on 3/5/12 6:26 am - Ballston Lake, NY
 Thanks for the responses!

Yeah, I don't really count calories or carbs...and already eat quite a bit...once I did log my food to check in where I was at and I was eating anywhere from 1500-1800 cals I don't think I want to purposely up them...I'm lucky in that it seems my metabolism has really changed and I'm really burning off fat at this point...I am gaining muscle and losing body fat, so I am not in danger yet of being too thin. But I did lessen my cardio again, just in case....

It's interesting about the fat redistribition....I have wondered how much really happens and if it is noticeable....because my face looks pretty gaunt, and I'm hoping it can plump back a bit...

I probably could use face/neck work too, but I can only really afford to do maybe 2 procedures and that's gonna have to be the ones bothering me most, breasts and tummy...

Alain Polynice Arm Lift & Revision BL 4/15/15

Alain Polynice Hernia Repair, Revision TT, Lipo Flanks 5/28/14

Dr. Lee Gallbladder Removal 5/28/14

Francisco Sauceda  TT & BL  6/3/13

Mitchell Roslin VSG 5/12/11


on 3/6/12 9:20 am
 I dont think you are jumping the gun.  Every person is different and those 12-18 month numbers are guidelines for averages.  That means some will be alot more and some less.

It sure doesnt hurt to get the consults. I found out that the last 20lbs I wanted to lose was actually all skin and tissue that was going to be removed during surgery. Had I lost those 20 and then went for plastics I would have been unhealthy looking.  (Admittedly, i had alot of hanging skin/tissue but i thought it was fat and that I could just work it off until my surgeon told me 'no way' and showed me that it was NOT fat.)

You might redistribute some weight and you might experience some 'snapping back' or tightening of the skin over the next few months. I found my skin tightened up from the 5month-12month mark. But even if you have some 'snapping back' it probably won't take care of the issues you want PS to address.  It also typically takes some time to schedule a surgery so you might be looking at another 2-3 months before an operation anyways.

Congrats on your weight loss and good luck on the PS journey!
     HW-345,SW-300, CW-144lbs.  DS 5/11/10. 
     First round of plastics with Dr. LoMonaco 11/8/11  LBL, BL. 14lbs of skin removed.
     2nd round with Dr. LoMonaco 2/8/12 Brachioplasty, Thigh lift,  Breast Implants.
on 3/7/12 10:52 pm - Ballston Lake, NY
 Thanks Raven!

Alain Polynice Arm Lift & Revision BL 4/15/15

Alain Polynice Hernia Repair, Revision TT, Lipo Flanks 5/28/14

Dr. Lee Gallbladder Removal 5/28/14

Francisco Sauceda  TT & BL  6/3/13

Mitchell Roslin VSG 5/12/11


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