Awful fold infections and growths and bags of fat drooping over knees

on 3/8/12 9:53 pm
Has anyone in the Columbus area used DR Holland or DR Houser for their reconstructive surgery?Have consultation sched for end of March. I was highest weight 477 then 417 on 3/4/09 for my RNY and now at 247. Great need for reconstructive abdominal surgery to remove excess skin (having constant infections and horrible growths in folds) and both RNY surgeon and dermatologist tell me as long as I have all this extra skin the problem will never resolve. The constant itching and severe pain is driving me crazy!! I also have horrible bags of fat and skin which droop over both knees and cause pain when I walk or exercise cause they flap back and forth. I will eventually need arms done as I look like a butterfly in that will be last thing I worry about..My insurrance is a medicare advantage plan, Medigold, so I am hoping with medical necessity that they will cover part if not all of the cost. If I wind up being self pay, does my ins cover any hospital charges for surgical room or stay overnight even tho they don't cover surgeon? What if thee become complications?Has anyone had similar experience? I'm crossposting on main forum and plastics and state so hopefully someone will respond.....thanks guys....Patty

on 3/9/12 2:58 am
Good luck... I hope they do. 

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