TT and TL.consult -- pics avail if you want to req

on 3/31/12 10:48 am
Journey from 477 in 2008 with bypass done March 2009 to 247 last week . Met with PS last week and hubby and I are pleased with him. He spent lot of time explaining my tummy tuck and outter thigh lift,answered all of my list of questions. He is Board Certified and highly recommended by my Bariatric surgeon, OB/GYN and Dermatologist. He is going to bat with my ins co because of severe fold infections,abnormal growths in folds and pain on exercising and walking.  He told his office mgr  to really pursue the ins approval because he has never seen anyone with the huge bags of fat and skin like I have over my knees and knows it is debillitating and he strongly feels the ins co will approve the thigh surgery.  I went prepared with a personal letter describing how the excess skin and infections are affecting my life, and I had my Bariatric surgeons letter and my dermatologists letter describing all I am going through. I even submitted my own pics which my PS said were even better quality than his. The office mgr gave me detailed out of pocket expenses if the ins approves all and a breakdown of each proceedure if they only approve part.IF I HAVE TO PAY THE FULL AMT it will only cost me 12,600 which will cover all hosp chgs for 1 day stay,operating room,anesthesia and surgeons fee. I was prepared to hear at least 25,000 ...UNBELIEVABLE......I will have the TT and TL done at same time with esti surgery time of 5 hrs.My hubby , bless his heart who has been with me every step of this weight loss journey, says WE are having this done no matter what! He knows the agony I have been in with infections and I have tried every OTC product avail along with numerous RX for pills, antibiotics,creams etc!!  The PS office mgr says my ins has a 5-7 day turn around for certs. By next week I hope to have surgery date.  Wish me luck....

on 3/31/12 11:48 am
Wow I would love to follow your progress.

  WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!  LET'S GET HEALTHY!     STARTING WEIGHT 211.8, SURGERY 23 MAR 11; ONEDERLAND 30 MAR 11 199.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

on 3/31/12 12:55 pm
 That's awesome. Can't wait to hear how it turns out. It's so nice that your surgeon is helping you get approved. I think that's quite rare. Good luck. 
on 3/31/12 4:32 pm
Like the others said, I look forward to following your progress too.   It sounds like you have a caring, compassionate plastic surgeon. 

on 3/31/12 8:39 pm - Israel
I pray it all works out for you as you will feel so much better lighter and freer without that extra annoying cumbersome rash-producing skin!
Congrats on all your weight loss-and I'm sure you will also lose quite a few more pounds in the op!
Mikimi in Israel
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