Getting ready for my final surgery

on 7/27/14 12:37 pm

Hello all!

i have my final PS planned for Aug 13. It will be a breast and arm lift. My thigh lift in March was a rough recovery and I still have swelling in feet and ankles almost everyday.  To be honest, that experience has made me think twice about doing another surgery but my lower body lift was so life transforming that I decided to go forward. 

For ladies that have had arms/breasts done, does anyone have any tips or things to consider? 


Angela B.
on 7/30/14 6:16 am

I remember we had our thigh lifts just a few weeks apart and had similar issues. This post made me smile, because I’m having my arms done soon (Sept 3rd) as well. After my thigh lift, I wasn’t sure I would want any more plastic surgery. But…I need a small revision to my thigh lift to fix some of the scaring, and just decided to jump right in and get the extended arm lift done with the revision. I elected not to have a breast lift right now. My breasts look terrible without a bra, but they are still DDs and Victoria’s Secret bras can do amazing things ;).

It would be great if you can keep us updated!

on 7/31/14 8:24 am

Hi Angela!

will definitely keep you updated. I plan on posting some pics of my legs now at 4+ months out and also my baseline for my arms (no boobie shots for me though!)  we can compare scars. 


How are yours doing now?

Angela B.
on 8/1/14 4:21 am

My scars are actually doing really well. There is still a lot of redness in them right now, but they are flat and thin and (for the most part) look as good as the scar from my LBL did at this point. It took a solid 18 months for my LBL scars to fade out. The scar in the groin crease on the left has traveled down my leg a bit, so we are going to take care of that during the arm lift. The scar on that same side near where I had the incision open up is also a little scary, but that will be taken care of as well. Let’s hope this is easier than the thigh lift!!

on 8/1/14 12:48 am

I had my breast (lift and implants) plus arms done 3 weeks ago.  I recommend a recliner chair to sleep in.  If you are not having implants done it maybe easier recovery than with implants due to it being place under the chest muscles.  Make sure you have things that you need on lower shelves that you can easily grab so you do not have to raise your arms.  For me the breast and arms were rough.  I am two days out from a thigh lift and I think the recovery for the thigh are going very smoothly so far.  I do have to say that swelling through out my body was the worst after breast/arm than LBL( 6 weeks ago) and not so bad as of yet with thigh lift.  I love my arms ............ I would do it again, worth every discomfort that I experience.  Good Luck

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