Stomach Issues with Glucophage (Metformin)

on 7/7/06 12:37 pm - TX
I haven't had any problems at all with metformin. I've been on it for years and am up to 2000mg/day. originally it made me lose about 30 pounds, but gained it back.
Katrina aka Mrs

on 9/17/06 9:06 am - Florence, KY
Hi! I'm on 850 twice a day. I was told to take it with meals, and to basically live by the Atkins diet to avoid getting sick. Just like when I was on the Atkins, if I eat carbs or sugars, I get sick. When I avoid them, we're good to go. My problem is some of the things it's going to "help with", it takes six months..or up to a year to see a difference. Man that's a long time to wait to see a change. I'm struggling now to take it, but that's partly due to me coming off my depression medicine (I know I know, bad girl) Good luck!!
on 9/29/06 1:48 pm - Cleveland, OH
Jenn, I went through the same thing and my Dr. tried a few different forms of the drug on me. I finally got relief with Fortamet. Maybe mention this to your Dr. Good luck!~ Maris
on 3/14/07 2:47 pm
Hi Jenn,       I read your post and I've got one even better. I was put on metformin er (glucophage xr), which is suppose to be easier on the stomach. Well, I was up to 2000 mg daily and was doing fine. Then all of a sudden after 4 months, out of the blue, I began to experience the stomach upset. Since it occured after I had started taking it, I thought nothing of it. I thought I had food poisoning or something . Well, after about a week, a light bulb went off and I did some research. I found out that there is such a thing as "late onset diarrhea" as well. There have even been reports of this with individuals who were on metformin for YEARS! Yes, YEARS! This is not common, but does happen. My endo even looked  puzzled when I told him. I kinda think he thought I was making it up, but it does happen. Poor girl, looks like you just never caught a break. I hope by now, your tummy's feeling a little better.  Sincerely,  Michelle
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