I started getting electrolysis on my breasts right out of college. Then I had to start on my tummy. Then to my eyebrows. Then to my 'sideburns'/ upper lip/ chin/ widow's peak. I would have started doing my bikini area (as early as age 14) if I could have. Once I got older, there was too much bikini hair to do electrolysis on. So I waxed or shaved all through college. I also used Vaniqua for my upper lip but it made me breakout. And I did Nair, Nads, bleaching, etc.....
I get that 5 o'clock shadow on my legs every day, and have for years. I hate shaving. Five years ago I got very interested in laser hair removal. But I didn't do it till I had the money a couple of years later. I would have absolutely, without a doubt, gone for the 'guarantee' which cost a little more but was good for life, but I was moving across country a couple of months later and they were not available where I was going.
So...I paid about $600 a session, for 3 sessions. This was a deal they were running in the summer and each session I would get my bikini (brazilian!) area, full legs and underarms done. I loved it, but I knew I would need at least 5 sessions to get all the hair. (hair grows in cycles and let's say 30% of your 'possible' visible hair is showing up today - - you get laser treatment - - two weeks or so later maybe another 20% of your hair cycles in that was never touched by the laser. It has to be zapped.) I think the basic rule of thumb I was told is that you can expect a 20% reduction of hair with each session, thus needing 5 sessions.
Now for people like me, hairy, I knew it would take more sessions than that. Some people just do. (P.S. I went to two places and opted for the more expensive one because they had the better/stronger laser at that time. Look into it!) I moved across country, like I said, after the 3 sessions. I did not pick it up again in the new state because I was not getting the results I wanted. My doctor wanted to send me to an endocrinologist and I realized that until I got the underlying cause under control I may be throwing money out the window. After many tests I did not get to the bottom of my problem. I could be PCOS or premature peri-menopausal, but not Cushing's. But nothing definitive. Anyway...once I lose weight from my surgery I'll re-evaluate my hair situation and move forward to finish the laser treatments. I'm very committed! There is a definite difference from the 3 sessions, but it's not enough to allow me to not shave, so it's really pointless until I have fully completed the treatments.
You may ask why I didn't laser my face. Well...the laser can really only pick up darker hair (pigmented). I got plenty 'o that everywhere but my face. The hair on my face is lighter, with some dark. The cost of adding my face to the laser treatments for those small areas were not worth it. Same with my boobs and tummy. I have a few stray hairs in those areas (after 15 years of electrolysis -off and on) so I just went back to electrolysis (for those small areas).
Another reason why I put a hold on the treatments (including electrolysis) is that my widow's peak grew back 6 months after I had it done! This was around when I was referred to an endo so I realized that something kooky was up with my body and I didn't need to waste more money till it was fixed. The growing back hair situation had NEVER happened until my body got weird about 3 years ago. So...maybe in a few months I'll get my labs done and there will be a change (post weight loss) and I can continue.
Sorry for the novel...