Back on the board, hoping for a revision

on 7/6/11 6:23 am - Chandler, AZ
I had my RNY surgery in 2002 with Dr. Emma Patterson in Portland, Or. I was very successful in the beginning, but after about 8 months or so, my weight loss slowed down drastically. I lost quite a bit of weight but never really got under 250lbs.

In late 2003, I put on 13lbs, how, I have no idea. I ended up having two babies, one in 2004 and one in 2007. I gained a ton of weight with my first son, but lost is fairly quickly. I gained almost nothing with my second, and lose all of it just having him--I severaly restricted my food intake so I'm not surprised I didn't gain much. Breastfeeding did NOT help me lose weight at all.

I have come to the conclusing that I am right where I was prior to gastric bypass surgery. I can work out until I nearly drop dead, restrict my food intake to near starvation, and I don't lose weight. I  can lose maybe 20lbs working out for 90 minutes per day, 5-6 days per week and eating no more than 500 calories, but that is not healthy.

I have had testing and I do have a metabolic disorder, vitamin D deficiency, and there may be a problem with my bypassed 'organs' growing together. I had ovary surgery in 2005 and my surgeon said that parts of my 'guts' were adhering to each other. I did nothing about it but now I'm wondering if there isn't something to what he said.

Time for a new sureon as I've moved to a new state, and time to lose this weight once and for all.
on 7/6/11 1:13 pm
I'm going to strongly urge you to look into a revision from your failed RNY to a DS. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of surgeons who have the skills to do this most complicated revision. You can learn more at
(deactivated member)
on 7/7/11 2:31 pm - San Jose, CA
And stay away from OHSU, and anyone in AZ.  Best choices: Keshishian in Glendale or Rabkin in San Francisco.
on 7/10/11 5:52 pm - Ridgeway, VA
I am also hoping to get a revision to DS. I can relate! Good luck to you.
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