1 week post op RNY revision - laparoscopic removal of blind limb, death of my Poppy

on 1/25/13 1:41 am - Harrisburg, PA

Hello All,

Well, I went through with the surgery.  I had a "blind limb" which is a bulge off of the pouch that takes in additional food but doesn't digest it properly, increasing the capacity of my pouch, which was also stretched out.

In April I will be 12 years post-op from RNY gastric bypass, which I had at age 20.  I was good the first few years, but got lazy, discovered alcohol and overate the past few years.  I kept 140 lbs off but regained about 40 lbs from my lowest post-op weight.  I am currently down 12 lbs, 186 lbs today

A week ago I had laparoscopic removal of the blind limb, and surgery that returned my pouch to 1/2 cup capacity.  I had viewed this surgery as almost voluntary, figuring I could keep living the way I was, even with the gradual weight regain.  In fact, the Dr. discovered the blind limb was the SIZE OF A TENNIS BALL.  It basically doubled the amount of food I could take in.  So, it was a very good thing I had surgery. Now, if only I can accept that fact, and not go through the "what did I do!?" phase everyone goes through.

It has been a long week.  I am going through the same things as a regular first time post op, except I can take in more liquids. (On full liquid diet still).  My 5 little incisions are healing now and my pain has gotten to acceptable levels.

Yesterday my grandfather died.  The funeral is the day I was going to get to see my Dr. again, the day I would transition to soft foods.  I am sad, and grieving on top of the depression of my post op thoughts.  Strangely, one of the many things that bother me is the fact that I'll be attending the funeral luncheon and probably not be able to eat any of the food. 

Not sure why I am even posting...I just needed to reach out. 


on 1/25/13 11:39 am - Davison, MI

Good Luck and Congratulations!  Glad you had this taken care of.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 1/25/13 2:35 pm

Hi Kat,

I'm sorry your having to go thru all this- the physical and emotional pain. Its hard to lose someone we love but to lose them when you yourself just lost something personal to you. Its difficult to make that choice of going back under again knowing you won't be able to enjoy food for awhile and having lived with the blind limb.

I have a fistula that  I am going to have to have repaired because my food goes into two different directions. When I had this surgery I expected it to work, never expecting to have to go back in and redo everything. I am having a revision on March 19 and its so tough trying to get myself in the mode for another operation knowing how hard the first one was. The surgeon told me I would never be able to lose weight the way things are now. I'm trying to move forward without a lot of fear of the unknown again.

I hope you will have a speedy recovery, that you will once again enjoy the weight loss   and  be able to move forward and enjoy the life your meant to enjoy.



on 1/30/13 10:35 am
Revision on 01/23/13

Hi Kat,

I am SO sorry for the loss of your dear grandfather :0(  That is so tough and to be healing from surgery at the same time, well my heart goes out to you.

 Good thing you did go ahead and get that taken care. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult times. I hope your fond memories of your grandfather help sustain you and give you comfort while you are grieving.. ((HUGS))


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