OMG... Is it true? What an Anniversary Gift!!!

on 5/15/07 10:45 pm - Painesville, OH
I just have to share a monumental WOW moment! Today is my 15 year wedding anniversary!  I can't believe it. I have been with my husband for more than half of my life now.  Unbelievable. The other WOW moment........ DID MY SCALE REALLY SHOW 299 this morning?  It did.  I am so stoked!  I haven't seen this weight in over 10 years.  I started to cry this morning.  Im in such disbelief.  This is the best wedding anniversary EVER!!!! I just want to bust from the inside out and shoot JOY everywhere.  That's all.  I just had to share my wonderful anniversary gift with all my OH family!! Have a great day all! I know I will.
 May you ALWAY give without remembering and take without forgetting!

   360      /  351     /    230     /185
Highest / Pre-Op / Current / Goal   (Currently 10 months post-op)
Surgery Date 02-26-2007 - Ht. 5' 9" & Wt. 351 lbs

Kym =)
on 5/15/07 10:50 pm - Northwood, IA
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Bravo Girlie!!!!  That's AWESOME!  Yeeeehaw!!!!
Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/17/07 12:05 pm - Painesville, OH
Thanks Melissa.  I really appreciate your response.  Im working hard (at the marriage and the weight loss LOL).  I am very greatful for all the support here on the OH forum. Thanks so much =)
 May you ALWAY give without remembering and take without forgetting!

   360      /  351     /    230     /185
Highest / Pre-Op / Current / Goal   (Currently 10 months post-op)
Surgery Date 02-26-2007 - Ht. 5' 9" & Wt. 351 lbs

Kym =)
Ready4 AChange
on 5/15/07 10:54 pm - Upper Chichester, PA
Congratulations on both your wow moments    Sandy

                                                                                                                                        ribbon.gif image by Ready4Achange Remember.......  Click to Give .....Hunger, Breast Cancer, literacy, rain f                                                                                         orest, animal rescue and CHILD HEALTH

on 5/17/07 12:06 pm - Painesville, OH
Thank you Sandy..... Your before and after picture is just amazing.  You look awesome!!
 May you ALWAY give without remembering and take without forgetting!

   360      /  351     /    230     /185
Highest / Pre-Op / Current / Goal   (Currently 10 months post-op)
Surgery Date 02-26-2007 - Ht. 5' 9" & Wt. 351 lbs

Kym =)
on 5/15/07 10:58 pm - Fredericton, Canada
Woohoo!!! WayToGo!!!! Thats the best gift I can imagine :) HUGS PK
on 5/17/07 12:08 pm - Painesville, OH
Hey PK... Thanks so much for response.  I couldn't agree with you more on the best gift. Hope all is well with your Ma!  I've been thinking about you.  Maybe I missed your updates. Thanks so much!
 May you ALWAY give without remembering and take without forgetting!

   360      /  351     /    230     /185
Highest / Pre-Op / Current / Goal   (Currently 10 months post-op)
Surgery Date 02-26-2007 - Ht. 5' 9" & Wt. 351 lbs

Kym =)
(deactivated member)
on 5/15/07 11:17 pm - Dallas, TX
Yaay Kym! Congrats and Happy 15th Anniversary! That seems weird to say because you look like you're 25 so did you get married at 10? I am excited about breaking 300 too. I still have a little while to go but when I do I will be so close to century club!  Keep up the awesome work girlie!
on 5/17/07 12:12 pm - Painesville, OH
  LOL You are so funny! That is such a sweet compliment.  I wish I was 25 again.  Just a couple of years more (10 to be exact).   Where are you at with your break of 300? Hopefully it is soon.  I told my friends at work today "Yeah, Im 2 something."  What a great feeling!!!  I will look forward to your post. You keep up the great job too.  We are so blessed to have everyones support here. Have a great night!!!
 May you ALWAY give without remembering and take without forgetting!

   360      /  351     /    230     /185
Highest / Pre-Op / Current / Goal   (Currently 10 months post-op)
Surgery Date 02-26-2007 - Ht. 5' 9" & Wt. 351 lbs

Kym =)
(deactivated member)
on 5/15/07 11:32 pm - MT
Congrats that is so wonderful!!! I remember that moment well when my scale read 299. Was just an awesome moment!!

Keep up the amazing work!

Felicia =0)
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