100# !!!

on 12/3/07 12:38 am - WI
I did it! I hit 100.5# as of this morning! 4 months and 1 week since surgery! Yippee for me!! I remember before/right after my surgery I would read about people who had lost 100# as be so jealous and had trouble believing that I would be able to ... but I did!

Can someone tell me how I can get a century card? Thanks!

What a happy start to a Monday!!
Kim               **Century Club 12/03/07**
Start: 341/Current: 194/MD Goal: 210/My Goal: 175

(deactivated member)
on 12/3/07 12:40 am - Sacramento Area, CA
WOO HOO!!!!!  Congrats!  Sorry, I don't know how you get a card.  I am nowhere near there!
Kristi J.
on 12/3/07 12:48 am
  you are doing so well! Congratulations on the century mark!
on 12/3/07 12:59 am - IL
Awesome way to start a Monday, a week, a month! WOW. Congrats to you!!!!!!! -Tamika


Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." 
John 1:2

on 12/3/07 1:06 am - Greenville, SC
RNY on 03/06/07 with
Go you, go you!  That is so awesome!  You are doing great.  YAY!!!!! ((((((BIG HUGS))))))) Cynthia
Official Prez of the 200 club.  The place to be when you are waiting to see a 1. 

Congrats to all of our Former Members.  We love you.

I am stealing this idea!  My weight on Jupiter: 508.2, Mars: 81, and the Sun: 5820.4

on 12/3/07 1:07 am - Live Oak, FL
Way to Go!!!
 It's a great day to be alive.        
ALMOST there !.
on 12/3/07 1:10 am - MI
Congratulations on your loss! I have finally lost 2 pounds since my latest stall! only 4 pounds in over a month! NUT said I wasn't getting enough calories in - hard to do, but when I force myself to eat more, I lose again - go figure 100# lost in just over 4 months is fantastic!  Way to go
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Sally W.
on 12/3/07 1:21 am - IA
Wow!  Congratulations to you!  What a great job!!
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/07 1:38 am - MT
  WOO HOO CONGRATS!!! You should be so proud of your self!!! Have a super wonderful week!!  
mpd-piggle-losingit-Felicia.gif picture by Felicia647200  
on 12/3/07 1:42 am
                  Start 340/DOS 306/C 153/personal goal 145   *34 lbs lost Pre op*
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