Why did the chicken cross the road? (funny picture)

Terri R. R
on 12/19/07 9:02 am, edited 12/19/07 9:17 am - 'bout 45 minutes from San Francisco, CA

Apparently, it was to kick this little kid's ass.  hehehe Joke Image

File:NASM logo blue.jpg
Certified Personal Trainer

on 12/19/07 9:13 am - Camarillo, CA
OMG Terri - that is too funny!   Thanks!

:) Kelly                  goal in 14 months!!   
335 high/305 surgery / 160 goal    

on 12/19/07 9:23 am - Jacksonville, AL
Too Funny!!!!
on 12/19/07 9:23 am - Crawfordville, FL
Too funny, Terri.  We have 7 chickens, including 2 Rhode Islands.  One of the RI's attacks us everytime we go in to feed, water or get eggs.  One day she's going to be dinner... Not really, my pouch hates chicken!!!!!!!! Take care, Abbie

Abbie    290/224.8/150

"There's always an alternative and sometimes you have to give up to get."  Neil Monroe

on 12/19/07 9:27 am - Brooklyn, NY
Moral of the story: Never taunt a rooster.


(deactivated member)
on 12/19/07 9:30 am - Eagle River, AK
You Kung Foo no good! Thanks for brightening my day... - Bob
on 12/19/07 9:31 am - XX
I needed that....Thanks! hehe So much for his Jackie Chan moves.
(deactivated member)
on 12/19/07 10:33 am - Lethbridge, Canada
LMAO!!!!!! Too funny! *hugs* Lori
on 12/19/07 10:41 am - Chula Vista, CA
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA - I don't know why this strikes me as hilarious - but, it does and I can't stop laughing!!  I think it's the Kung Fu Moves!

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on 12/19/07 7:02 pm - UK
Tee hee, thanks Terri, that's very funny
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