Hey!!!! All Super Obese

Tommi H.
on 1/15/08 9:07 pm - Burton, MI
I started at 468lbs I am now down 96lbs in 3 months. I feel like this is taking forever. I feel like suddenly I can eat more. Although only like a half of a sandwich. But seems like alot. I am scared this is not going to work for me. I know alot of people on here have lost over 100lbs but I have to loose almost 300lbs. I am still not where most people have started.  Can any super obese people give me some advice? Thanks  Tommi

Chris N.
on 1/15/08 9:21 pm
Hi Tommi! I think you're doing fantastic!   I started out at 441lbs and am now  hovering around 246.  I've got around 70 more to go to reach the goal I set with my surgeon.    I know exactly how you feel.  I'm still at a weight where people are starting their journey weighing less than I do now.   Just know that with each month....each pound....you're getting closer and closer to goal.  You can't compare yourself to others that are starting at much lower weights.  Actually....you shouldn't compare yourself to anyone else because you are unique.  How your body responds to the surgery and how you lose weight is unique to you alone.  Everyone loses at different rates.  Some faster than others.  As long as you're following the program your surgeon has set up for you......you're going to do fine.   I can definitely eat more now than I could and It worries me.  I know that I have to be accountable for what I put in my mouth.  My surgeon has given me a wonderful tool to lose weight but it's how I use this tool that matters.  I know I can reach my goal if I stick to it....and so can you!!!


When one door of happiness closes, another opens:
but often we look so long at the closed door that
we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

Helen Keller

on 1/15/08 9:29 pm - Jersey Shore, PA
Hang in there and DO NOT give up.  I started in September 2006 at 414+ and am now down to 195-.  It takes will power and you can do it.  Don't worry about what others have done.  Everyone is different and you're doing fine.  I went from a size 58 pants down to a current 34.  Work out when you can, especially cardio work.  Start lifting weights when you're allowed to as that added muscle will increaase your metabolism.  Stick to the program and find what works for you.

September 2006...415 lbs.
April 12, 2007...surgery...285 lbs.    Goal...210     Current...181

sherrie T.
on 1/15/08 9:43 pm - CLAREMORE, OK
I am still pre-op and it is encouraging to hear from people that were my size and have lost so much
on 1/15/08 10:37 pm - Milan, TN
tommi, check out the forum Body Mass over 50.  You will find alot of people who have shared experiences.  Good luck to you. Kim

on 1/15/08 10:42 pm - Bryan, TX

While I was not over 400 lbs, my BMI was almost 70. I'm now down 99.5 lbs (since April of last year; surgery in September). I am still heavier than many who are STARTING their weight loss journey, so yes it can be very frustrating to hear of folks who say, "I've lost 100 lbs and I'm below my goal weight."

Know that you are unique and how you lose weight will be your way. I definitely think that the exercise has helped me (I work out in a pool that is 4' deep every morning for 45 minutes -- usually walking back and forth in the water and using my arms. I do a couple of lengths either using just my arms or just kicking -- I float so well that I don't have to worry about going under water). I'm only 5'1" but was 367 lbs. I now weigh 267.5 -- I just want that last half pound to go away so that I can say I've lost 100 lbs!! I know it will. I had hoped to have lost these last few pounds weeks ago, but I hit a stall. Life happens.

I can eat about 5 oz of easy foods (refried beans, cheese) or about 3 oz denser proteins (chicken, pork) at a time. I don't worry too much -- I get my water, I exercise, I take my vitamins and medication (Prevacid). It will come off. I just make sure I don't go back to my old snacking ways and do my best to eat in a more healthful and meaningful way. I chew my food thoroughly --- something I did not do before surgery. I work to remember NOT to stuff my mouth full of food because if I swallow that much at once, my stomach is going to give it the old 'heave-ho' and it would have been wasted.

You can do it! Congratulations on the weight you've lost already. Keep on losing!


on 1/15/08 10:53 pm - Live Oak, FL
96 pounds in 3 months. That's great!!! I wish I could have lost that much in 3 months(which by the way,will be on the 29th of this month). So far,I have lost between 60 and 70 pounds. Maybe a little more. I go for my 3 month check up on the 23rd of this month.

I think you are doing great. I started out at 427 at my consultation. 399 day of surgery. Now I am about 332 pounds.I should be down another 5-6 pounds by next Wednesday. (I hope). Keep up the great work.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 1/16/08 1:00 am, edited 1/16/08 1:00 am - Glendora, CA
Taking forever? Don't be silly, your doing great.  When would you have ever lost so much that fast before? It's not like you're going to wake up one morning and have all your excess weight gone. I'll bet it took longer than 3 months to put on that 96 pounds. I started at 374 and in 18 months have lost 197 pounds. By 4 months I'd lost 100. I still am unable to eat bread and honestly the only thing I can tell anyone I miss is a sandwich, but even that doesn't last long. Just follow your Dr's plan and you'll do well. Heck I think you're doing fine now. There is a really good message board for those with a BMI of over 50 on here -  http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/bmi_over_50/
I know I can, I know I can
Terri R. R
on 1/16/08 3:40 am - 'bout 45 minutes from San Francisco, CA
96 lbs in 3 months is friggin awesome!  You still have plenty of time to lose!  (hugs)

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Star Dust
on 1/16/08 11:11 am - Centennial, CO
I wasn't over 400lbs, but my BMI was almost 60 when I started. I'm 8 months out have almost cut that number in half. Most people continue to lose for 18-24 months after surgery. You aren't even done with the first leg of the journey yet! I know you'll do fine. And as you lose the weight and gain mobility and feel better, the numbers won't mean as much. If you're like me, you'll discover alot of things that being obese was doing that you didn't really think about. It's always fun to say "Hey! I was never able to do that before! NEAT!" Small stuff, like squeezing yourself AND the shopping cart between the registers at the grocery store. Or your hips not touching the sides of chairs anymore. Or fitting into bathroom stalls. It feels so nice to not have to struggle anymore.
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