Breaking the carb cycle?

on 3/28/11 9:19 am - Houston, TX
I had been doing so well with limiting carbs until I went on vacation. UGH! Now its like that is all I want to eat...don't get me wrong im not just mindlessly eating them but it seems like I have been adding more and more. Tonight for example I was eating cheese and just had to have crakers I only ate 3 but still!

Oh and last week was the first time I overate since surgery I was eating popcorn the movies and didn't measure my own bag like I usually do.
And carbs make me so gassy but I still manage to eat them

How do I get back on track?
Lady Lithia
on 3/28/11 9:21 am
Have an alternative like cucumbers..... best thing is to go cold turkey!

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 3/28/11 9:23 am
I only know one way to deal with refined carbs and that is to eliminate them entirely. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I cannot do them in moderation. No doubt. I went on my first diet at 13 and from then to my last WLS every regain started with me thinking I could just eat a little (bread, sugar, cookies, cake, crackers, whatever).
I know there are a lot of people that can eat them in moderation and if that is what you want to do you may want to talk to them because they can tell you how, I can't.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Whacka Doodle
on 3/28/11 11:09 am
Well, the neat-ee-oo thing about reducing carbs is that we can do it with our very next mouthful of food. 

When I was rigidly dieting, I had a serious problem because I was NEVER going to be able to eat some foods again (I thought).  And food isn't like other addictions, because after all you're goin to have to eat again SOME day.  In fact, you can't really go a whole day without eating, and be healthy.

But with low-carbing it, you're okay even if you screw up BADLY, and you really did not do that.  You maybe flirted inappropriately, but didn't really do yourself permanent harm. 

To get back on track, first of all make sure you're getting enough protein -- probably 75-125 grams.  Then, reduce your carb load to no more than 20g/day if you can --

And fer the luv 'o mike -- be nice to yourself, and stop the self-loathing.  It'll all come to you!

Interested in low-carb nutrition?  Thinking of trying Atkins? Want to try high-fat and/or high-protein eating?  Whether or not you have had (or are thinking about) WLS   

on 3/28/11 11:22 am - Houston, TX
Thanks guys! Yeah I think my next move is to get the junk out of the house becasue if its not there I won't eat it.
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