protein drink question

on 4/3/11 1:03 am
on my protein powders it says 1 scoop to 8oz of water. I use about 16 oz of water because it's just too sweet for me otherwise. Is this ok? Does it make it less effective? I am sure post op it will be a lot harder to get in 16oz at once and get in all the protein from the shake. Also post op if this is too sweet for me would half a scoop suffice for 8oz of water even though it would be half the protein but at least I would probably be able to get it down
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/3/11 1:22 am - OH
The amount of water makes absolutely no difference.  Many of us have used up protein powders we did not like by adding only about 2 ounces of water and just taking two (nasty) "shots" just to get it down.  The only reason the amount of milk would make a difference is the additional calories (and protein) in the additional milk.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 4/3/11 1:37 am
thanks. hopefully after surgery once i can take bigger sips i will do the protein "shots" thing to get my protein in since these are too sweet for me unless i put it in about 16 to 24oz of water/crystal light. i will just have to use the unflavored immediately post op
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/3/11 2:06 am - OH
I still do one protein supplement per day just to be sure I get much more than the minimum, and on most days -- except when the weather is VERY hot -- I still use either unflavored or vanilla protein powder mixed in SF hot chocolate.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 4/3/11 4:29 am - LA
I will have to try the "SHOT" thing also.  my nutritionist has me trying different ones before my surgery in June and so far they are all too sweet and yucky.  I have been able to get down Atkins shakes (but she said after surgery sometimes these are too hard on the stomach)  I ordered some unjury chicken broth flavored, so I need to try it.  I also have some nectar samples and I thought the lemonade was nasty but someone said mix it with crystal light, so I will try that.  I also ordered some Anywhey unflavored that I read about on a blog and I also just got in my ice cream maker in to try some protein ice cream like eggface does on her blog.  I am just trying trail and error. 

Good Luck ,
on 4/3/11 10:21 am - IA
I was only able to do the atkins RTD milk chocolate immed. post op, everything else made me hurl.  I still drink one a day, sometimes 2 and now am able to use powdered Max protein and it tastes good, not too sweet, I can't even drink crystal lite, its way too sweet for me.
on 4/3/11 10:42 am - LA
I am happy to hear that for some people they can do the Atkins before and after....I am hoping I fall in that category.  I didn't like the Atkins vanilla that much but I like the chocolate and the mocha latte one so far.  I am going to try the dark chocolate and strawberry.  I want to try the Max Protein.  I think that is what eggface uses.  I was trying to find some samples of it online. 

Thanks Jenny
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