European Labs from Cat: GURUS please can you help me?

on 4/6/11 10:35 pm - Raamsdonksveer, Netherlands

Hi guys!

As you may know, we are a bit behind here on the bariatric field in that sense that surgeons often recommend to take a multi and see what happens, also no frequent labs etc. So I try to take matters into my own hands. I had my labs drawn at my pcp a month before surgery and i had my labs drawn at my PCP 2 weeks ago (4 mos after surgery) She did not draw everything this time since some were so 'good'? the first time round. Anyways, I am jyust GLAD that I have a very cooperative PCP who will draw what and when I ask and give me the copies of it (not very usual over here) So this is what I have:

Í hope some of you can give me feedback as I am still learning to interpret these. For the record: since the beginning I took multi (high dosed) and CalMagD powder (citrate) and i Just started iron and B12 so I am surprised at my iron and B12 levels.

I will list the name first, then the value before surgery, then the value last week and then the optimum range as listed here

sedimentation (BSE?) 24- 5- 1/20

Hemoglobine (Hb) 8- 8,1- 7,5/10

Hematocriet (Ht) 0,39- 0,4- 0,35/0,45

Erytrocytes 4,8- 4,7- 4/5

M.C.V. (? no clue) 81- 85- 80/100

M.C.H.C. (no clue again?) 20,6- 20,4 - 19/22

Red Bloodcell distribution widt 13,9 - 13,4 - 10/14

Trombocytes 324- 279 - 150/400

Leukocytes 7,9- 7,1- 4/10

Natrium 142- 143- 135/145

Kalium (potassium?) 4,3 -4,9 - 3,5/5,3

Calcium 2,11 - 2,3 - 2,1-2,65

Kreatinine 64- 55- 45/90

GFR 96- 114- 60/-

ALAT 20 - 28- -/34

Gamma gt 30- 30 - -/38

Bilirubine 8 - 14- -/17

Cholestorol total 4,9 - 3,7 - -/5

Tricglycerides 1,1- 0,6 - -/2

HDL 1,2- 0,9 - 0,6/2 (bad, right?)

LDL 3,2- 2,5 - -/3 (good, right? improvenment?)

Glucose morning 5,9 - 4,6 - 4/6

Protein not tested- 60 - 60/80

Iron 9- 17 - 9-30 (how has this gone UP? without me supplementing?)

Transferrine  69 - 55 - 62/98 (bad?)

Transferrine sat. 0,13- 0,31 - -/0,4 (bad?)

Ferritine  63- 85 - 20/150 (I make no sense of this iron group here)

B12 0,23 - 0,49 - 0,12/0,48 (good? how is this possible again? or even too high?)

TSH 1,8 - 0,9 - 0,4/4,3 (?)

PTH 8 - 6 - 3,08/9,6 (so I'm good on the leeching front right?)

Vit D 59 - not tested- 30-150

Vit B1 132 - not tested - 69/155

Vit B6 180 - not tested - 25/110


I sincerely hope I can get someone to help me a bit here how to read these. I want to learn.

love from Holland

(PS over 100 pounds down!!!)

on 4/7/11 4:25 pm - Raamsdonksveer, Netherlands
No one, really? Wow.

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