Variety is the spice of life, but my life is very bland right now

on 4/13/11 12:26 pm - Durham, NC
 So, I'm 10 days out from surgery.  I'm currently drinking 2oz. protein fluid (ensure, boost, carnation instant breakfast, etc)  and drinking about 8 oz, of fluid (water, crystal light, sugar free kool-aid) each hour.  Every now and then I will mix it up with a little chicken broth or a Sugar free popsicle, but I AM sooooooooo bored!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't have a followup appointment with my surgeon until April 23, and I want to follow his instructions, but MAN ALIVE!  I'm really dying for a little variety.  

I've had no nausea or any problems with the different liquids I've had.  I'm very careful about measuring portions and sipping slowly, so I'm trying to be good.  However, I feel that if I don't start getting a little variance, I am going to go bonkers!

Anyone been there?  Have any ideas about how to combat this feeling while still taking it nice and slow and following the doctor's orders?

Thank you in advance!

HW - 300             SW - 289 (4/4/11)
CW - 251             GW - 175
on 4/13/11 12:29 pm - Manahawkin, NJ
Are you on soft foods yet?  I hate to say it but you're only 10 days post op.  sometimes we gotta stick it out for a while.  you are very new post op, a lot of things are bound to be too much at this point.  I dont think I ate anything BUT broth, protein shakes and ice pops for about a month because waiting anything else was too soon for me.

If you are on soft solids maybe try mushing up a low fat string cheese stick or some low sugar/fat yogurt?

best of luck
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on 4/13/11 6:11 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
Try some ricotta cheese with a tablespoon of your favorite spaghetti sauce, microwave, enjoy!
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