This just makes me want the surgery even more

on 4/21/11 12:49 am, edited 4/21/11 12:51 am - Canton, GA
 I am the only female in my office, and all the men (except one) are very fit and health conscious.

On one hand, that is a good thing, because it will not be a toxic environment for me post-op as there are never any unhealthy treats in the kitchen. But on the other hand, I don't feel like I can share my journey with them because I feel (and I know it's probably just in my head) that they will judge me. They just don't understand my struggles and I'm not sure they can sympathize with them.

For example...I had my stress test Tuesday and they did it  by raising my heart rate with Dopamine (sp?). One of the guys I work with asked me this morning how it went (because he had one done once) and when I was describing how fast the dopamine took effect and made my heart race, he asked why I hadn't had to be on a treadmill like he did. Then another co-worker piped in how he, too, had one done once and was on a treadmill as well. They started talking back and forth about having to run so fast on a treadmill to get their heartrate up and questioning why mine was done differently.


I just wanted to scream, "BECAUSE I'M OBVIOUSLY TOO FAT TO DO THE TREADMILL VERSION!!!"  But instead I just said, "Well, I'm not fit enough to run fast enough to get my heartrate up the right level and sustain it long enough for the test." 

Conversation over.
Jenny         HW: 268 / SW: 254 / CW: 180 / GW: 140
First 5K: 4.21.2012 - Time: 34:45 - 2nd Place in age group
Second 5K: 6.2.2012 - Time 37:09
on 4/21/11 1:07 am - IN
You never know, they may just not understand how the weight is affecting your health.  Be as open as you feel comfortable being.  Tell the people you KNOW will support you and forget the rest.  Goodluck on your journey.



on 4/21/11 2:18 am - FL
i also had to have the stress test, and i did not get on the treadmill as i have a large herniated disc, i have a treadmill at home and walk on it..but not fast as it inflames the takes me 30 min to get in a mile, but hey its a mile, my dr is fine with that as with this disc problem, that is one of the major reasons i had the surgery to get the stress off that far so good...
just blame it on a bad disc...stress to the disc...about the stress test far as the rest at work..i have no idea, its your buienss, and yours alone...go to work do your job, and go live your life and let them live theirs..
just be friendly while at work...
have a great day
on 4/21/11 3:25 am - MN
Don't feel bad about the stress test. I also had to have a stress test. I weighed in at 245, horrible shape. They did make me get on the treadmill. Maybe there is more than one type of test? Maybe it didn't have anything to do with your weight. Maybe they aren't judging. Are you just projecting because you know your weight is out of control. Think positive. Soon you'll be healthy just like they are!!!
on 4/21/11 4:08 am
I didn't have to do the stress test, but I just want to say this: These guys may not get what you are going through right now, but as you lose and are ready to get more and more active, these guys may end up being your best friends. Why? Because they know how to make choices that you and I did not grow up making. They know how to go for a walk on their lunch break and they won't scoff at the idea of doing that with you. They know how to hit the gym before work, and they'll love that you are ready to join them there. Right now, they might not be a crowd that "gets" you or that you "get". But, soon, you will be in their group! And, the next time you have to get a stress test, you'll be right there on the tread mill with them. I bet they will become your biggest cheering section!! And, I bet they will be so excited about running a 5K with you someday!! :D

And, I know skinny people who have had chemical stress tests as well, it just depends on every individual body and what is safest!!

 HW 316/ SW 264/ CW 187/ GW 158  
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